[NFBO-Linn-benton] agenda and link for Chapter meeting Mon 9/25 at 6:30 pm

kjocums at icloud.com kjocums at icloud.com
Sat Sep 23 22:51:43 UTC 2023

Linn-Benton Chapter Meeting

September 25,2023

6:30-8 pm



6:30 Call to Order

6:31   Introductions and ice Breaker

  What is your name and what 3 things would you bring with you if you knew
you would be stranded on a desert island?


7:00 Business Meeting


Minutes and Treasurer's report             

Presidential release - on your own


Old Business

Committee Reports

*	Calendar committee - what do y'all think about the proposed
calendar? NFBLinnBentonCalendar.docx

State Convention

*	Arrive on Friday for 1:30 pm start time
*	Chapter breakfast or evening?
*	Door prizes

New Business

*	Blind  equality achievement month
*	Philosophical discussion 
*	What to do this year, if anything?
*	what might we do next year

8:00 Adjourn


Upcoming Events

*	October 6-8, 2023 - NFB of Oregon State Convention at Hilton Garden
Inn, Springfield.   Agenda at:


Corvallis Government Corner - stop by to say hello and ask your questions
about local government in Corvallis

-cadena> corvallisoregon.gov








Kristen Jocums

(706) 718-8055


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