[Nfbofsc] FW: Hadley eConnect, November 20, 2015 - SEMINAR CORRECTION

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Fri Nov 20 22:51:22 UTC 2015



Steve and Shannon Cook

Steve on Dice World: Steve6009

Steve on Twitter: @SteveCook67

Today I married my best friend.  

The one that I laugh with, live for, love.

October 11, 2003 


From: The Hadley School for the Blind [mailto:mailinglist at hadley.edu] 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 11:57 AM
To: cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Subject: Hadley eConnect, November 20, 2015 - SEMINAR CORRECTION



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We apologize for the earlier eConnect which gave the wrong information for the November 25th Seminar. Please read below to learn more about the next Seminars at Hadley! 


Reminder: Seminars at Hadley Presents: Braille Exchange: Pairing the Refreshabraille and an iPad for a Taste of Classroom Success

Seminars at Hadley Presents: Braille Exchange: Pairing the Refreshabraille and an iPad for a Taste of Classroom Success

Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Time: 10:00 AM CST, 16:00 GMT

Learn the basic recipe for how tactile learners can access print instructional materials using the APH Refreshabraille and an iPad. This "cooking" demo will include an elementary overview of VoiceOver commands used with the Refreshabraille to access text files, navigate audio books and edit PDFs. It is designed to give beginning "chefs" the tools they need to prepare successful classroom pairings between tactile learners and the technology tools most commonly used in grades K-8.

Join Seminars at Hadley as we "whet our appetite" the day before Thanksgiving in the United States! Presenter Pam Winters, resource room teacher and part time Hadley instructor, will share her expertise and practical experiences with these technologies in the classroom. Hadley instructors, Susan Fisher and Debbie Siegel, will moderate this 60 minute seminar.

This seminar is an audio-only seminar. Space in this seminar is limited. Please only register if you are available to attend so that others are not closed out. Register now for Refreshabraille on November 2 <http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=10207074&msgid=798936&act=GE9S&c=225701&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fhadley.edu%2FSeminarDetails.asp%3Fsid%3D298> 5. <http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=10207074&msgid=798936&act=GE9S&c=225701&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fhadley.edu%2FSeminarDetails.asp%3Fsid%3D299> 



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