[Nfbofsc] {Spam?} FW: SC Commission for the Blind's 50th Anniversary Invitation

David Houck nfbsc at sc.rr.com
Thu Apr 14 13:09:38 UTC 2016



From: Frank Coppel [mailto:frankcoppel at att.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 7:22 PM
To: nfbsc at sc.rr.com
Subject: FW: SC Commission for the Blind's 50th Anniversary Invitation




From: Jacqueline Keisler [mailto:JKeisler at sccb.sc.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:26 PM
To: Frank Coppel
Cc: Donna Earley
Subject: SC Commission for the Blind's 50th Anniversary Invitation





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South Carolina

Commission for the Blind


You're invited to our


50th Anniversary Celebration 


Please join us for an evening of reflection celebrating

 50 years of service to citizens of South Carolina who are blind or visually impaired.




May 6, 2016
>From 6pm to 8pm




Embassy Suites
101 Greystone Blvd
Columbia, SC 29201



$25.00 per person


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SC Commission for the Blind, 1430 Confederate Avenue, PO Box 2467, Columbia, SC 29201

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Sent by  <mailto:jkeisler at sccb.sc.gov> jkeisler at sccb.sc.gov in collaboration with

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Cataracts are among the leading causes of vision loss worldwide; they are usually treatable. Has an ophthalmologist diagnosed you or a loved one with cataracts? Do you need cataract surgery but can’t afford the cost? If you’re a SC resident and U.S. citizen not covered by Medicare, Medicaid or other insurance; and have cataracts in both eyes, we at the SC Commission for the Blind may be able to help. Give us a call at 888.335.5951 or find us online at www.sccb.state.sc.us 



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