[Nfbofsc] Positive Note 1587

David Houck nfbsc at sc.rr.com
Wed Jan 11 13:39:43 UTC 2017

January 11, 2017 

Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents &

From:  Frank Coppel, President

Positive Note 1587

Greetings Fellow Federationists: 


              At the December 5, 2015 Board of Directors meeting of the
Rocky Bottom Retreat and Conference Center of the Blind, the board voted
unanimously to begin a much needed mattress fund for the Ellenberg Lodge.
For the past thirteen months, many of us have been working diligently to
raise the $6,435 which was needed to cover the cost of the mattresses and
box springs.  Approximately a week ago, Rocky Bottom received a substantial
contribution from a "Friend of the Blind" and this has made it possible for
us to now purchase the mattresses and box springs for the Lodge.  I am
excited to report that Mattress Firm will be delivering twenty mattresses
and box springs to the camp later this week.  Many thanks go to Michael
Holdcraft, Mr.  Capps grandson, who is a district manager with Mattress Firm
in Louisville, Kentucky, and who was instrumental in giving us an extremely
competitive bid as well as securing a $1,000 contribution from Mattress
Firm.  I would also like to thank all of you who made a contribution to this
very successful fund raising project.  In the months to come, we will be
assessing all other sleeping accommodations at the camp and hopefully we can
make improvements in these areas as well.  

              We have an announcement from Debra Canty, Chairperson of the
NFB of SC Fund Raising committee.  "Dance, dine and enjoy a great time at
the second annual NFB of SC sweetheart dance on Saturday evening, February
18, 2017 from 5:00 until 9:00 at the Federation Center in Columbia. Tickets
are $25 per individual or $45 per couple and can be purchased by mailing a
money order or check to the Federation Center, attention sweetheart dance.
Please include an address so that tickets can be mailed once payment has
been received. Deadline to purchase tickets is Saturday, February 4 at the
statewide seminar. We are asking all chapter presidents to contribute a door
prize for this special event including: gift cards, cash or assembled gift
baskets. Please contact Jennifer Bazer at 803-661-6622 or jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
if you would like to contribute a door prize or Debra Canty at 803-775-5792
or via email at debra.canty at frontier.com if you have further questions about
this fund-raiser for NFB of SC. Look forward to seeing  all of you on
February 18."  

              If you have not notified the Federation Center as to whether
you are planning to attend the Statewide Seminar on February 4, please do so
as soon as possible.  This will help us to determine the amount of food to
purchase for lunch.  Remember we will be conducting an auction throughout
the day to raise money for the Federation Center.  Be sure to bring items
for the auction such as, cakes, pies, cookies, gift baskets, and
electronics.  Also, please continue to sell your Orlando National Convention
bus tickets.  It is imperative we sell as many tickets as possible to help
cover the expense of the chartered bus to Orlando.  Remember, tickets this
year are selling for $2 for one ticket or $5 for three tickets.  You can
either mail your ticket stubs and money to the Federation Center or bring
them with you to the Seminar on Saturday, February 4.  The drawing will take
place at the conclusion of the Seminar.  The winning ticket will receive
$300, the seller of the winning ticket will receive $100 and the chapter
selling the most tickets will receive $300.  

              The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is
not the characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day, we raise
the expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.  You can live the life you want:
blindness is not what holds you back.  Joining me for comments in this
Positive Note is the President Emeritus of the NFB of SC.  Here is Dr.

              This week we are featuring a lovely lady who made history over
45 years ago.  Dorothy Barksdale was the first African-American to join the
NFB of SC in June 1973.  Because of that historical happenstance, the NFB of
SC has more diversity than any other state affiliate of the NFB.  Actually,
Dorothy and I talked from time to time during her senior year at the SC
School for the Blind where she graduated in 1973.  Dorothy has two daughters
and at least three grandchildren.  After graduation Dorothy enrolled at the
Commission and subsequently graduated from Greenville Tech as a medical
transcriptionist.  The support of Braille literacy by the federation has
significantly improved as Dorothy is an outstanding Braillist and Braille
instructor.  She can type at the rate of 95 words per minute.  Born in
Laurens County, her parents were very supportive and Dorothy took advantage
of the 12 years she spent at School and subsequent training she received at
the Commission.  Her loyalty to the federation is solid as she has attended
95% of the Columbia Chapter meetings since she has been a member.  She has
attended most all national and 42 state conventions.  In fact, Dorothy has
served as charter bus captain to national conventions for several years.
She also attended some of the annual Washington Seminars.  Currently Dorothy
is a state officer serving as Secretary of the NFB of SC, Secretary of
RBRCCB, Secretary of the Federation Center of the Blind's Board of Trustees
and the Columbia Chapter as well.  As a highly skilled and intelligent blind
person she has had a successful career working at different places including
Richland Memorial Hospital, SC Department of Mental Health, worked as
Receptionist/Braillist and a Computer Lab Instructor at the Federation
Center of the Blind and has been a vendor for some 25 years.  She has
received several honors including being honored by the Columbia Housing
Authority which carefully selects persons for their Wall of Fame.  Dorothy
was selected Mother of the Year by radio station WTGH, "the Gospel Highway"
(which is now WGCV), with the event occurring at the Township Auditorium.
She has also been honored with her portrait hanging in the Conference Room
of the Federation Center.  While serving as a blind vendor, it was necessary
for Dorothy to arise at 4:00 a.m. and to arrive at her vending facility by
no later than 5:45 a.m., making for a long day.  It is with pride that
Dorothy worked as a counselor for blind children at RBRCCB for several
years.  Dorothy loves her church where she has been a member for 32 years
and she sings in the choir.  Her hobbies include cooking, reading and
assisting other blind persons.  Limited space prevents me from giving other
successful experiences that Dorothy has had.  Congratulations to Dorothy!


Final Thought:  Raising Expectations:  One lady prayed, "Oh Lord, please
give me a fat checkbook and skinny legs instead of the other way around like
last year."

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