[NFBofSC] Columbia Chapter Newsletter

David Houck nfbsc at sc.rr.com
Fri Aug 16 12:38:51 UTC 2019




              The convention voted Saturday to amend Article III of the
state constitution dealing with membership.  This applies to all chapters
and divisions as well:

"Article III.  Membership 

              Section 1.  Though this organization exists to promote the
economic, social and spiritual well-being of blind South Carolinians, active
membership shall be comprised of both blind and sighted members. At least a
majority of the active members of this organization must be blind.  All
members of this organization shall have the right to vote and hold office,
except that only blind members shall be eligible to serve in the office of
President or Vice President. 

              Section 2.  All voting members of local chapters or divisions
shall automatically become voting members of this organization with the
right to vote, serve on committees, speak on the floor, and hold office. 

              Section 3.  Any person who is not affiliated with a local
chapter or division may become a voting member of this organization by
receiving a majority vote of the voting members present and voting at a
convention or by complying with requirements established by the Board of


August 31 Fun Day Festival at Rocky Bottom

              During the third quarter meeting of the RBRCCB Board of
Directors, the board discussed plans for the 2019 Fun Day Festival during
the Labor Day weekend (August 30-September 1).  Four meals will be served
including three on Saturday, August 31, and breakfast on Sunday morning,
September 1.  The board voted again to charge $30 for adults and $15 for
children under twelve years of age to cover all four meals including the
lunch on Saturday.  Those individuals who are only attending the Fun Day
Festival Saturday will need to pay Valerie and Larry Warrington $10 for
lunch.  Room reservations for the weekend are taken on a first-come,
first-served basis.  If you need to make a reservation for the Fun Day
weekend, you can call the Federation Center (803) 254-3777 or call me (803)
796-8662 no later than August 26.  I hope that you are selling your $5 Fun
Day tickets as this contributes to the profits.  Remember, the winning
ticket drawn will yield $50 to the seller and $500 to the buyer or $550 if
you bought your own ticket.  The chapter selling the most tickets will
receive $300 for its treasury!  We need to bring new items for the auction
which will take place on Saturday afternoon August 31, at 12:00 noon.  Let's
have a great turnout for the Fun Day Festival as Rocky Bottom very much
needs our financial support.  



              President Tiffiny Mitchell gaveled the meeting to order at
6:15 p.m. and recognized birthdays for August.  Steve Cook welcomed visitors
and guests.  New members voted in include Carolyn Phillips, Donna Jean
Miller and Rebecca Jean Breece. The devotional was given by Casey Eubanks on
Missed Opportunities.  Isaiah Nelson and his kitchen crew served a delicious
Blimpie Sub dinner.  It was good seeing Dr. Capps and Debbie Manning at the

              The guest speaker was Keith Brown of the Upper Dorchester
Chapter and his associates involved as travel business owners, offering this
opportunity for chapter members to get involved making money through
becoming a travel agent through Planet Marketing.  President Coppel spoke
about the National Convention.  He also spoke concerning the NFB of SC
convention details including a planned Carnival cruise beginning on November
14, 2020 and of a constitutional membership amendment.  There were 40 plus
delegates from the Columbia chapter attending the convention.  The NFB of SC
will try to charter a bus for $125 to $150 per passenger for the NFB Houston
convention which runs from June 30 to July 5, 2020.  Fun Day is Saturday,
August 31 and if you need accommodations contact David Houck at 254-3777 or
Frank Coppel at 796-8662.  $160 in Fun Day tickets were sold at the chapter
meeting and Frank Coppel said he would match it.

              The August BINGO will be held on Thursday, the 22nd.  The
Taste of Columbia will be on September 21 and the cost is $25 to enter a
dish and $10 to taste the selections.  The chapter voted to increase its
monthly PAC Plan contribution by $10 monthly to $75.

              Thom Spittle's Treasurers report stated the current checkbook
balance is $2,344.44.  There was a 50-50 drawing and  $44 was won by Casey
Eubanks and Donna O'Neal won a box of spaghetti.


Tiffiny Mitchell, President

Columbia Chapter, NFB of SC

See you at the Fun Day Festival, Saturday, August 31!

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