[NFBofSC] Zoom Meetings and VoiceOver announces people coming and going! How to not have that happen...

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Aug 18 21:36:08 UTC 2020

Hi All

This will depend on the version of your Zoom app.  I'm in my Zoom app on my
phone, I guess from the home page, there is a tab for settings. And one
option is meetings, and about 8 choices in, there is "Show Name of
Participants  as they join the meeting! Turn that off, and you'll not get
that chatter when there is a flow of people coming and going.

Steve Cook
District 2 State Board Member of the National Federation of the Blind of SC
1st Vice President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the
National Federation of the Blind of SC
Board member at large of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of
the Blind of SC
The National Federation of the Blind of SC owns and operates Rocky Bottom
Retreat & Conference Center.  Below is a link to read more about Rocky
Bottom and to make a reservation for a mountain retreat!
Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center
Please join the National Federation of the Blind of SC on Face Book at any
of the below links!
National Federation of the Blind of SC on Face Book
Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the
Blind of SC
Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center 
South Carolina Association of Blind Students
South Carolina Parents of Blind Children

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