[NFBofSC] Upcoming CSTD Meeting

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Mon Aug 24 17:14:39 UTC 2020

Hello All,


On the heels of our state convention, we wanted to go ahead and meet to hold
elections.  As stated in the subject, the meeting will be tomorrow 8/25/20
at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom using the same sign on credentials that we use for the
NFB of SC.


Sign onto Zoom using whichever your preferred method is - call in, app, or
online.  Then enter Meeting ID: 803 254 3777


Please make an extra special effort to be present for this important


This will give us a chance to debrief about the state convention as well as
hold elections. If you are a dues-paying member of the CSTD, you are
eligible to vote.  


The more who attend, the better the feedback will be.


Shannon Cook,

CSTD Secretary


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