[NFBofSC] Seminar on Diabetes and Blindness

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Thu Jun 4 11:10:32 UTC 2020

Transition and Change: The Opportunities Hiding inside the Fear
When: Friday, June 5 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. CST

Join members of the National Federation of the Blind as we discuss our philosophy of blindness and take on directly those who ask the questions: I can’t read, write or travel. How in the world can you tell me to live the life I want?

1:00	Welcome, Debbie Wunder, Seminar Chair, and Shelia Wright, President, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri 

1:05	Blindness the Physical and Blindness the Psychological: Gary Wunder

1:10	Going Blind and Once Again Finding my Independence: Ron Brown, Second Vice President, National Federation of the Blind

1:20	Questions

1:25	Believe in Yourself and Understanding Self-efficacy Robyn House, M.Ed. LPC, RPT 

1:40	Questions

1:45	Learning You are a Diabetic: Who Needs Another Challenge: Anil Lewis, Executive Director of Blindness Initiatives, National Federation of the Blind

1:55	Questions

2:00	Monitoring Blood Sugar  is Key: Using a Continuous Glucose Monitor: Jeannie Massay, Treasurer, National Federation of the Blind and president of the NFB of Oklahoma

2:10	The LebreLink: another, less expensive approach: Jean Brown, Second Vice President, Diabetes Action Network 

2:15	What Can I Eat and Who do I listen to: Discovering What Works for You: Gary Wunder, Kathy Hurley, and Brian Buhrow

2:30	Inside My Kitchen: Rita Lynch, former Rehabilitation Teacher and current president of the National Federation of the Blind of Jefferson City

2:40	Questions

2:45	Becoming your   child’s Teacher during the Pandemic: Jenny Carmack, Second Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri

2:55	Questions

3:00	The First Year of Parenthood, and Yes We are Both Blind: Ben and Teresa Vercellone

3:10 Questions

3:15	I raised My Children, but Now that I am Totally Blind, can I safely Care for my Grandchildren: Debbie Wunder 

3:20	Questions

3:25	Does Independent Travel Mean Route Rehearsal or Going Where I want When I want: David Nietfeld, O&M NOMC, Colorado Center for the Blind

3:35	Questions

3:40	What is in My Closet, And How I Put It Together: Chris Danielsen, Director, Public Relations, National Federation of the Blind

3:50	The Role of Exercise in Getting and Remaining Healthy: Jessica Beecham

4:00	Adjourn

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646-558-8665 and room number 7148529230
For more information, write to Debbie Wunder at debbiewunder at charter.net or call at 573-268-6989. Please join us!

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