[NFBofSC] FW: [NFBNJ] Veterans Poem

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Wed Nov 11 12:00:14 UTC 2020

>From our friends in NJ!


From: NFBNJ <nfbnj-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of joe ruffalo via NFBNJ
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:05 PM
To: joe ruffalo via NFBNJ <nfbnj at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [NFBNJ] Veterans Poem


    Greetings to all!


With Veterans Day approaching, Wednesday, November 11,  it has been my tradition to forward the following Veterans Poem.

Please read and absorb each word.

Please forward to others.






Veterans Poem



Veterans poem 

It’s the veteran 

not the preacher 

Who has given us the freedom of religion.


It’s the veteran

Not the reporter 

Who has given us the freedom of the press.


It’s the veteran

Not the poet

Who has given us the freedom of speech.


It’s the veteran

Not the campus organizer

Who has given us the freedom to assemble.


It’s the veteran

Not the lawyer

Who has given us the right to a fair trial.


It’s the veteran

Not the politician

Who has given us the right to vote.


It’s the veteran who honors the flag 

It’s the veteran who serves under the flag 

No matter where they serve,

God Bless Them All!

God Bless America!



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