[NFBofSC] The National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii invites you to join our virtual meetings, September 7 through 12, 2020

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Mon Sep 7 10:36:56 UTC 2020



Steve Cook

District 2 State Board Member of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

Board member at large of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

The National Federation of the Blind of SC owns and operates Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center.  Below is a link to read more about Rocky Bottom and to make a reservation for a mountain retreat!

 <http://rockybottomofsc.com/> Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center

Please join the National Federation of the Blind of SC on Face Book at any of the below links!

 <https://m.facebook.com/NatFedofSouthCarolina/> National Federation of the Blind of SC on Face Book

 <https://m.facebook.com/Computer-Science-Technology-Division-of-the-NFB-of-SC-343263089815304/> Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

 <https://m.facebook.com/RockyBottomofSC/> Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center 

South Carolina Association of Blind Students

 <https://m.facebook.com/groups/375092969314880?_rdr> South Carolina Parents of Blind Children



NFB-NEWSLINE is a free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled that offers access to more than 500 publications, emergency weather alerts, job listings, and more.

NFB-NEWSLINE reopened the world of newspapers and magazines to me. Thank you so much for enabling me to read periodicals from all over the nation and world cities. It makes me feel more included and informed.

                                                 <https://www.nfb.org/programs-services/nfb-newsline> Click here to read more about NFB Newsline!





The National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii, Join our zoom meetings

Week of September 7 through September 12, 2020


For more information contact Leilani Borsa at: leilaniborsa08 at gmail.com <mailto:leilaniborsa08 at gmail.com>  or Katie Keim 808keim at gmail.com <mailto:808keim at gmail.com> 


Mahalo and Aloha, Virgil Stinnett, President NFBH

nfbhpresident at gmail.com <mailto:nfbhpresident at gmail.com>   (808) 722-4243


The link to join all the meetings below is at the bottom of this email.



Monday September 7, 2020, 12 PM HST, 6 PM EDT   

NFBH Stretch and Relax With Non-Visual Yoga

Presenter: Carola Hinz

For more information contact: leilaniborsa08 at gmail.com <mailto:leilaniborsa08 at gmail.com>  


Tuesday September 8, 2020, 5 PM HST, 11 PM EDT

Honolulu Chapter Meeting

Shellford Cantan, President, jrcantan at yahoo.com <mailto:jrcantan at yahoo.com> 


Thursday September 10, 2020, 5 PM HST, 11 PM EDT  

NFBH Tech Thursdays; Focus on Blind and low vision usage, living as blind guys

Simple Solutions To Those Seemingly Large Blindness Problems

For more information contact:  808keim at gmail.com <mailto:808keim at gmail.com> 


Friday September 11, 2020, 12 PM HST, 6 PM EDT

West Hawaii Chapter Meeting

Dianna Jones, President, diannagjonesnfb at gmail.com <mailto:diannagjonesnfb at gmail.com> 


Saturday September 12, 2020, 9 AM HST, 3 PM EDT

Leeward Oahu Chapter Meeting

Melissa Gerber, President, 247mjgerber at gmail.com <mailto:247mjgerber at gmail.com> 


Saturday September 12, 2020, 12 PM HST, 6 PM EDT  

NFBH Cooking Fun!

Presenter: Debbie Gabe  

Knives, Cutting Boards, and Pans 

For more information & recipes, contact: debbiegabe at live.com <mailto:debbiegabe at live.com> 


Join NFBH Zoom Meetings

https://zoom.us/j/7454185223 <https://eur05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzoom.us%2Fj%2F7454185223&data=02%7C01%7C%7C1c2f302ed617484491cb08d852d0f7e3%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637350404744841371&sdata=rPcdC77n%2FH6YNqg7z1M26n8okN3PZJLhL8ezbwTJUYE%3D&reserved=0> 

Meeting ID: 745 418 5223

One tap mobile



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