[NFBofSC] Hats

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Thu Sep 24 20:28:04 UTC 2020

The below message is from a friend in Colorado.



Let me tell you about our hats!!   

For our convention only, we are giving members with the NFB Membership coins, a two-dollar discount on ALL of our hats!  Plus, we will ship it to you FREE OF CHARGE!!  This spectacular offer expires November 15, 2020!!


LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT in text and braille (choice of blue with white lettering or white with blue lettering) $13.00 or 2 for $24.00



6 Dot Dash hats with braille (choice of blue with white lettering or white with blue lettering) $8.00 or 2 for $14.00



6 Dot Dash hats with the 6 Dot Dash logo (choice of blue with white lettering, white with blue lettering, tan with black lettering or red with black lettering) $8.00 or 2 for $14.00



NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND with the corporate logo.  (choice of blue with light blue lettering, white with blue lettering, tan blue lettering or red) $8.00 or 2 for $14.00



COLORADO CENTER for the BLIND with the Center logo (choice of blue white lettering, white with black lettering, tan with black lettering and red with black lettering) $8.00 or 2 for $14.00



All you have to do is contact Edith Holden and give her your information!


Edith’s contact information is:

Email:   <mailto:eholden at juno.com> eholden at juno.com

Phone: 720-308-8270  (please leave a message if I don’t answer and I’ll call you back.

She needs to know which hats, color desired and the number of hats being ordered

She will need your:





            Credit card name:

            Credit card number:

            The CVC number on the back of your card:


Then, presto, she will mail you your purchase FREE OF CHARGE!

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