[NFBofSC] FW: Supersense is on SALE!

Frank Loza floza58 at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 10 18:11:27 UTC 2021



From: Supersense Team <supersense at mediate.tech> 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 3:43 PM
To: floza58 at bellsouth.net
Subject: Supersense is on SALE!



 <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/nl2/xzrq8/5yrrr.html?m=AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g&b=e9cc0ad3&e=ad267932&x=xoe3RER5N6TYCaMNsIrH5I0sUbdya9CqHWfFgTItAxQ> View online version




         40% off of Annual and 50% off of Lifetime subscriptions!

The biggest sale of the year is here, and it will last until January 1, 2022. Upgrade to premium now and save up to 50%. 

Supersense’s existing features are being continuously improved, and we also have some new features we'd like to share with you. 

Here’s what’s inside of the Supersense Premium Package:

*	The Document Reader, which enables you to read any type of document.
*	The Smart Scanner Mode that detects what you’re scanning instantly.
*	The Multi-page Scanner Mode, which allows you to scan longer documents.
*	The Barcode Reader along with the QR Code Reader.
*	The Currency Reader.
*	The Scene describer, which describes the scenery around you and allows you to capture high-quality images of it.
*	The Explore mode that allows you to explore your environment and,
*	The Find Mode, which can detect more than 600 individual objects!

And we have updated Supersense’s Quick Read feature, which is now super accurate and reads in Non-Latin languages such as Chinese, Devanagari, Japanese, and Korean even when there’s no internet connection. 

To unlock all these features, upgrade now and get 40% off of annual and 50% off of lifetime subscriptions.* 

*Prices may vary by region. 

Supersense for iOS:  <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/lnk/AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g/1/9BT-VhPDvGg1uDs2aKp5-Q/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcHBzLmFwcGxlLmNvbS9hcHAvYXBwbGUtc3RvcmUvaWQxNDg0NTQ3ODM2P210PTg> https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1484547836?mt=8

Supersense for Android:  <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/lnk/AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g/2/Z6f5NgBNQIaFvZpe7qUWaQ/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbGF5Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vc3RvcmUvYXBwcy9kZXRhaWxzP2lkPWNvbS5tZWRpYXRlLnN1cGVyc2Vuc2U> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediate.supersense 

For more info visit our  <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/lnk/AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g/3/v6xzlz6O1GypcRIeRWu10w/aHR0cDovL3N1cGVyc2Vuc2UuYXBw> website or follow us on  <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/lnk/AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g/4/Q6K9c82d1LwBGd4xwSykPw/aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9zdXBlcnNlbnNlYWk> Twitter!

We wish you a happy Holiday Season!

Supersense Team



This e-mail has been sent to floza58 at bellsouth.net <mailto:floza58 at bellsouth.net> ,  <http://xzrq8.mjt.lu/unsub2?hl=en&m=AVcAAEQfy60AAcqRDYYAAMG5ZZ4AAYCsXnYAnN5cABJ7bwBhqS--2E7DxR3eTuGU1Cq2_RVQVgASe0g&b=e9cc0ad3&e=ad267932&x=xoe3RER5N6TYCaMNsIrH5I0sUbdya9CqHWfFgTItAxQ> click here to unsubscribe.

1035 Cambridge St. Cambridge, MA, 02141, USA


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