[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1813
jennifer at successforlives.org
jennifer at successforlives.org
Mon May 10 11:07:53 UTC 2021
May 10, , 2021
Memo To: Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents &
From: Jennifer Bazer, President
Positive Note 1813
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
Greetings Fellow Federationists:
I want to thank all of you who gave during Midlands' Gives on Tuesday, May
4. NFB of SC raised nearly $1,200 and Rocky Bottom raised nearly $3,700!
Thank you for making 2021 Midlands' Gives very successful for the Palmetto
The following individuals donated on Tuesday.
NFB of SC:
David Rebocho
Steve Cook
Shannon Cook
Jennifer O'Neill
Kerry Stubs
Patricia Smith Jenkins
Jennifer Bazer
David Houck
Maggie Floyd
Gregory Jones
Frank Coppel
Ed Bible
Julie Bible
Demetrius Williford
Barry Chavis
Newberry Chapter
Lynne Richards
Valerie Warrington
Rocky Bottom:
Jean Rentz
Patricia Smith Jenkins
Kerry Stubbs
Steve Cook
Shannon Cook
Jennifer Bazer
Valerie Warrington
Elizabeth Farr
Yvette Thompson
Herbert Boykin
Debra Canty
David Houck
Jamie Allison
Isaiah Nelson
Dorothy Barksdale
Frank Loza
Maggie Floyd
Thom Spittle
Gerald McMurray
Gregory Jones
Ed Bible
Julie Bible
Jennifer Walker
Barry Chavis
Shelley Coppel
David Bundy
Patricia Cheatham
Gerald Farr
Elizabeth Farr
Euston Farr
Brenda Hyatt
Doug Hudson
Newberry Chapter of the Blind
Lawrence Warrington
Ethan Walker
Sally Walker
Linda Bible
At Large chapter
Henry Green
Alivia Warrington
If you were not able to give on Tuesday, but would like to donate to the NFB
of SC or Rocky Bottom, you may donate using Pay Pal at
www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org>
Please include in the comments which organization you are giving to so that
it is noted accurately.
You may also send checks made to NFB of SC or RBRCCB, Rocky Bottom, and mail
to 119 S. Kilbourne Road, Columbia, SC 29205. Please note donation in your
comments so that it is noted accurately.
Name that tune!
Back by popular demand! The National Federation of the Blind of SC will have
another game night on Friday, May 21, 2021 at 8:00 PM eastern! We will be
playing Name That Tune again! The music chosen will be from the 50's to
current. We are asking people to register by contacting Steve Cook at 803
260 1292 via Text/call in order to place people on teams! See zoom
information in the weekly schedule below.
Scholarship Announcement 2021
Spring brings flowers, pollen, and the start of the NFB of SC Scholarship
application season! With the state convention being August 20-22, 2021, the
deadline for scholarship applications is 11:59 p.m. June 19, 2021. The
committee will select the top three applicants, and they will be notified
approximately one month prior to the state convention. The updated
scholarship application is now available at www.nfbofsc.org
<http://www.nfbofsc.org> . Please also remember that the scholarship
program operates on donations exclusively. If you or your chapter would
like to contribute a scholarship or make a donation to the Metro Fund,
please get in touch with both me, Shannon Cook, (coffeequeensc1 at sc.rr.com
<mailto:coffeequeensc1 at sc.rr.com> or (803) 605-4250) and Valerie
Warrington, NFB of SC Treasurer. Also, please help us get the word out
about the program. If you or someone you know is in school full time,
please encourage them to apply for a scholarship! Thank you.
Shannon Cook
Scholarship Committee Chairman
Palmetto Connects
We will have our next palmetto connects meeting on Thursday,
May 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time. Please encourage your chapters,
divisions, committees to attend to learn about the latest happenings in the
NFB of SC! All are welcome from everywhere!
Submissions for the Positive Note:
If you have an item to include in the Positive Note about your chapter,
division, something that would interest the affiliate, please send to me via
email by Sunday night to include in the next day's PN.
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
PAC Plan Challenge!
We are drawing near to our contest for the PAC Plan. Our drawing will be
held on June 3 during Palmetto Connects for those who have increased their
PAC and those who have jumped on the PAC Plan. This can be individuals,
chapters, and divisions. Here is more about the PAC and our contest which
ends May 31.
PAC Plan Challenge:
We will be running a contest from December 5, 2020 through
May 31, 2021 for our NFB of SC affiliate. We are currently 13 and would like
to be in the top 10 or higher. One of our members would like to see us as an
affiliate contribute $1,500 to PAC each month between chapters, divisions,
individuals and our NFB of SC affiliate. If you join PAC, your name will be
entered into a drawing for a $100 visa gift card. If you increase your PAC
donation, your name will be entered into a different $100 visa gift card
drawing. I have a list of chapters, divisions, and individuals who are on
PAC at this time. On June 1, I will ask the national office for another list
which I will use to have the two drawings on June 1. There are many ways to
give. Below, is a little about PAC.
Thank you for your interest in the National Federation of the
Blind's Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) program. This program allows you
to contribute to the NFB through recurring monthly donations. These can be
direct withdrawals from a checking account or charges to a credit card.
Please contact pac at nfb.org <mailto:pac at nfb.org> with any questions. Thank
you for your generosity.
You can go to https://www.nfb.org/pac to complete the online
You may also call the national office at 410-659-9314
extension 2622 or email PAC at nfb.org <mailto:PAC at nfb.org> with questions.
There are several chapters and divisions within our state who
are on PAC and we are grateful for those contributions. There are
individuals who are on PAC and we are appreciative of those members who give
each month. As an affiliate, we are averaging $17.41 per person and less
than 10% of our members are on PAC. Let's see if we can increase those
percentages to over $20 per month and have at least 20% of our members on
PAC. I appreciate you considering to get on the PAC plan or increasing your
donation each month!
Thank you to the following individuals, chapters and divisions who have
gotten on PAC or who have increased their PAC amount each month:
New contributors (6):
Cheri Euton
Lori Coley
At Large Chapter
Lancaster Chapter
Melanie Torrance
Lynn Hornsby
Frank and Shelley Coppel
David Bundy
Debra Canty
NFB SC Sumter Chapter
Steve and Shannon Cook
Jennifer Bazer
Rank: 12
Average given per month: $960.75
Monthly totals:
December 2020 - $898.00
January 2021- $953.00
February 2021- $991.00
March 2021- $1,001.00
Total given in 2020: $10,731.00
Total given in 2021 so far: $2,945.00
Virtual Senior Camp
There will be another South Carolina virtual Senior Camp Day on May 21, 2021
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. If you are 55 or over - or just want to
participate - and would like to join us for fun, discussions, games, and
more, you can join on the Federation Center Zoom platform. (That is the
normal one used for most NFB of SC meetings.) As Senior Camp co-directors,
Shelley Coppel and I are co-hosting this event. Please join us the day of
the event. We would love for you to RSVP by calling me, Shannon Cook at
803.605.4250. Just leave a message. We want to be sure we have a good idea
of the number of people who will be attending. Let us know if you have any
questions. My number was given above. Shelley Coppel can be reached at
(803) 796-8662. We would love to have a large group of participants.
Please share this announcement throughout the state to encourage all of
those interested to join us.
NFB of SC 65th Annual State Convention!
As of Sunday, May 9, we have ten participants in-person including an
individual from Arizona and three virtual participants. I encourage you to
register for our 65th annual state convention and attend the way that best
fits your comfort level at this time. Our goal is fifty in-person
participants and I am confident we can exceed that goal. We have several
contests listed below for those registering before May 31 and between June 1
and June 30 so please insure your name is in one of those drawings. Also, we
will be running a contest for the chapter or division who obtains the most
money in sponsorships. Let's work to exceed our $15,000 sponsorship goal to
defray the cost of the convention. If you will need transportation or a
roommate during the convention in North Charleston, please call/text me at
803-960-9977 or email me at
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
This information will go on the listserv. The transportation requests will
help us in determining pick-up points around the state. I am hopeful that
chapters with vans will assist in the transportation process as well as,
others in the community.
The NFB of SC board met on Sunday, May 2 to discuss further details about
the state convention.
The board voted to have a competition among chapters and divisions to see
which team can acquire the largest sponsorships in dollar amount. The
chapter or division that raises the most money with sponsorships will
receive 10% of the total amount raised. We are hoping a company, individual,
or group will donate a trophy to this chapter or division to be passed
around each year like we do with Midlands' Gives. Remember, all sponsorships
help defray the cost of the convention and does not drain the state
affiliate treasury.
Scholarships to First Timers to the State Convention
The board voted to give out three $200 scholarships to be used for those who
are first timers to the NFB of SC state convention. The applicants must be
members of the NFB of SC in good standing, have registered to attend the
convention in-person, and submit their application by June 30, 2021 which is
the same day one must have dues paid to the state organization.
Drawings for Registered Attendees
There will be several drawings before the convention to encourage
individuals to register early. The board voted to have a drawing for those
who register by 11:59 PM Eastern on May 31, 2021 for the state convention
virtually or in-person. The winner of that drawing will receive a $100 gift
card. Those that register between June 1 and 11:59 PM Eastern on June 30,
2021 will be entered into a $50 gift card drawing.
Those that register before May 31 and pay your deposit on a room at the
North Charleston Marriott by the same date will be entered into an
additional $100 drawing donated by an anonymous donor. If you register for
the state convention and pay your room deposit at the hotel between June 1
and June 30, 2021, you will be entered into an additional $50 gift card
drawing donated by the senior division
Let's talk about our state convention in detail.
We will be having our sixty-fifth NFB of SC state convention August 19-22,
2021 at the North Charleston Marriott, 4770 Goer Drive, North Charleston,
SC, 29406. It is time for all of us to begin making our reservations and
registering for our hybrid convention. You may contact the hotel directly at
843-747-1900 and let them know you are registering for the NFB of SC state
convention to receive the discounted rates.
Room rates are as follows:
Singles and doubles, $115.00 per night.
Triples, $125.00 per night.
Quads, $135.00 per night.
You will also need to add sales tax which currently is 14%.
The NFB of SC block of rooms at the above rates will be good until July 29,
2021 until 5:00 PM Eastern time. After that date, the hotel will release the
rooms to the general public and we will not be guaranteed our group rate.
The NFB of SC board voted on Thursday, April 22, 2021 on the following rates
for convention registration. The prices include reception on Friday night,
boxed breakfast Saturday and Sunday, and banquet Saturday night. There will
not be a luncheon on Saturday afternoon.
Adults, $85.00 per person until July 15; $100.00 after this date.
College, graduate and doctoral students, $55 per person until July 15; $60
after this date.
Individuals 18 and younger, $25.00 per person until July 15; $30 after this
Virtual, $25.00 per person until July 15; $30 after this date.
In order to have a hybrid event so that as many individuals can attend as
possible, we are charging a small registration fee for virtual attendance to
cover the cost of broadcasting from the Marriott; the hotel charges the NFB
of SC around $1,000 for audiovisual equipment and broadcasting.
If you plan to vote in this year's election for the NFB of SC, you will need
to be a member of the NFB of SC in good standing as of June 30, 2021 by
11:59 PM Eastern Standard time.
You may register using a paper registration form, complete and enclose
payment and send to the Federation Center, 2021 NFB of SC State Convention,
119 S. Kilbourne Road, Columbia, SC 29205.
You may also register online and submit payment through Pay Pal or you may
send in your payment to the Center at the above address. Registration will
not be confirmed until payment has been received through the mail or Pay
Pal. If using Pay Pal, please remember to add 3% to your total to cover Pay
Pal's administration fees and so that NFB of SC receives the entire amount.
Let's have a large in-person and virtual turn-out for the NFB of SC
Sixty-Fifth state convention!
Register online at
2021 National Federation of the Blind of SC Sixty-Fifth State Convention
Registration Form
You may obtain a printed form from David Houck at the Federation Center.
Those letters and registration forms will be in the mail this week.
Questions about the convention, please call me at 803-960-9977 or email me
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
We Care
Columbia Chapter members Princetta Goodwin and Gwen lost everything in a
house fire according to Maggie Floyd. Anything contributed (money,
clothing, household items, etc.) should be given to Maggie Floyd at 1643
Albritton Rd., Columbia, SC 29204, phone 803-920-4433. You may also drop off
gifts card at the Federation Center for this family. Grocery and restaurant
gift cards are much appreciated at this time.
Please notify Dorothy Barksdale, Chair of the We Care Committee of praise
and prayer reports as well as birthdays, anniversaries and more so that the
committee can remember you.
The following meetings are scheduled on the Zoom platform this
week. You are welcome to attend any of these meetings, even if you are not a
member of the chapter or committee. All Committee meetings are open to the
public for listening. Contact President Bazer if you would like to be added
to any NFB of SC committee so that information stays current on our website
and membership list. Here is what is coming up on Zoom for the month. All
meetings are on the main Federation ID of 803-254-3777, unless noted.
Dates & Times of meetings are subject to change. All times are Eastern.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Braille Literacy Committee 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Get Fit with the Sports & Rec 5:30 PM Rocky Bottom
At Large Chapter 7:00 PM
Sumter Chapter 7:00 PM Rocky Bottom
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Sports & Rec Division 6:00 PM Rocky Bottom
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Cherokee Chapter 1:00 PM
Columbia Chapter 6:15 PM
Special speaker, the first lady of the NFB, Melissa Ann Riccobono
Lancaster Meeting 7:00 PM Rocky Bottom
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Get Fit with the Sports & Rec 9:00 AM Rocky Bottom
Charleston Chapter 1:00 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Special Advocacy Committee meeting 8 PM
NFB of SC Federation Center is inviting you to a scheduled
Zoom meeting.
Topic: NFB of SC Chapter and Committee meetings
Times are in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 803 254 3777
Passcode: 124578
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)
The May edition of the Braille Monitor, the flagship publication of the
National Federation of the Blind, is now available. Here is a direct link to
the complete issue for your reading pleasure! Recipes in this edition were
contributed by members of the Palmetto affiliate!
Attend the Biggest Event of the Year!
National Federation of the Blind 2021 National Convention
Tuesday, July 6 through Saturday, July 10, 2021
Anywhere and Everywhere #NFB21
Stronger Together: Transforming and Unifying Our Future
There may not be a physical entrance to general session, but you can still
win door prizes to be awarded throughout the week at #NFB21. Attend the
premier event for the blind community and take advantage of the opportunity
* Network with thousands of blind role models
* Connect with leaders in the field of blindness
* Attend presentations on a variety of empowering topics
* Learn about the latest in technology and innovation
* And more!
The National Federation of the Blind is a transformative membership and
advocacy organization of blind people. Every day we raise the expectations
of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind
people and our dreams. Through this unique event, we will connect blind
Americans from anywhere to build opportunities everywhere. For more
information, read the
<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=20599&qid=5096966> Braille Monitor
article, The 2021 Convention is at Hand.
Schedule Outline
The schedule for the 2021 convention is:
* Tuesday, July 6: Seminars & Specialized Meetings
* Wednesday, July 7: Board Meeting & Resolutions
* Thursday, July 8: Division Meetings & Opening Ceremony
* Friday, July 9: Presidential Report & General Session
* Saturday, July 10: Business Session & Banquet
Is this your first convention or do you need a review of what to expect?
Mark your calendar for the Rookie Roundup meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
June 29 at 8:30 p.m. ET.
Register Today
Registration is now open and free! Get access to the latest information as
it is made available and more. While there is no registration fee to attend
the National Federation of the Blind 2021 National Convention, please
consider a donation if you are in a position to do so. There is a donation
option available during the registration process. Your support is greatly
<https://nfb.org/civicrm/mailing/url?u=20600&qid=5096966> Register for the
NFB 2021 National Convention now!
If you are already registered, please encourage a friend to attend. We look
forward to your participation in the biggest event of the year!
Random Fact of the Day:
Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
Final Thought:
"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look
at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey
NFB Pledge - I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National
Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.
NFB One Minute Message - "The National Federation of the Blind knows that
blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every
day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations
create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back."
If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive it
directly in your inbox, as well as, receive messages regarding the National
Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please email Steve Cook at
cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com>
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