[NFBofSC] [NFBOfSCPresidents] Got our First Sponsor

Shannon Cook coffeequeensc1 at sc.rr.com
Thu May 27 21:23:25 UTC 2021

That is awesome!!


From: NFBOfSCPresidents at groups.io <NFBOfSCPresidents at groups.io> On Behalf Of
jennifer at successforlives.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 6:59 PM
To: 'NFB of South Carolina Mailing List' <nfbofsc at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [NFBOfSCPresidents] Got our First Sponsor


Hello All!


We have our first sponsor HumanWare! Congratulations Columbia chapter on the
$500 silver level!


Looks like we will have some from the Lions as well as Vanda


Any other leads? Let's roll! Can we make it to $15,000 or more? The more we
raise, the better for our affiliate. The more we can do during convention!


Looking forward to seeing your creativity!


Thank you all for your hard work!






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