[NFBofSC] NYPBC Workshop, including speaker addressing Sports Component

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Sat Oct 16 15:00:10 UTC 2021

----Original Message-----
From: SportsandRec <sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Heather Bird via SportsandRec
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2021 7:50 AM
To: Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List <sportsandrec at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Heather Bird <heather.l.bird at gmail.com>
Subject: [SportsandRec] NYPBC Workshop, including speaker addressing Sports Component

Hi Everyone

Two of the three speakers may be of interest as one is covering sports experiences for blind children and another is covering importance of movement which pertains to O&M and sports performance.  Please feel free to pass this along as well.

New York Parents of Blind Children Seminar 2021

Photo Description: A little red-haired girl in a tie dye shirt and a little brown-haired girl with a white and purple dress standing in a school parking lot practicing using their canes.
The New York Parents of Blind Children Division has designed a program that will rejuvenate and heighten expectations for the futures of our blind children! Parents and professionals alike are encouraged to attend. 
Monday October 18, 2021 from 6:30pm-9:00pm
Join us on Zoom 
Meeting ID: 943 8331 2070
Passcode: 241736
Or if you prefer, One tap mobile
+16465588656,,94383312070#,,,,*241736# US (New York)

I.  Casey West Robertson – Why bother with Braille?
Braille is an efficient tool for literacy and equal access. 
Casey West Robertson will discuss the importance of Braille in Blind children’s lives and introduce the “natural order of contractions.”

II. Chester Smalley –Non-visual navigation 
With the right tools your child can move freely through the world without fear of getting hurt or lost. Certified orientation & mobility instructor, Chester Smalley tells us how. 

III. Katy Olsen – Don’t sit on the sidelines - your child can play sports too! 
Physical activity is important for all children. Our speaker will help us understand how we can encourage an active lifestyle for our blind kids. 

For more information please email NY PBC president Maura Kutnyak at: maurakut at buffalo.edu

Heather Bird
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