[NFBofSC] FW: [Chapter-Presidents] Badger Chapter online fundraisers

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Oct 26 23:26:19 UTC 2021



Steve Cook

District 2 State Board Member of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

President of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

Click here to view the National Federation of the Blind of SC 2021 PSA! <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4awrn7eddQ&t=16s> 


The National Federation of the Blind creates and distributes several publications and audio reports to inform both our membership and our friends about the true nature of blindness, issues of interest to the blind, NFB news and action items, and the many important stories we share. 

Click here to read more about Publications and Media from the NFB! <https://www.nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media> 



From: Chapter-Presidents <chapter-presidents-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Kimberly Kiser via Chapter-Presidents
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 6:20 PM
To: NFBchapter President List Serve discussion list <chapter-presidents at nfbnet.org>; 'Kimberly Kiser' via nfbwnews <nfbwnews at googlegroups.com>
Cc: Kimberly Kiser <singingcutee at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Chapter-Presidents] Badger Chapter online fundraisers


Hello everyone. The Wisconsin at-large Badger Chapter is having 2 great online Holiday fundraisers. One is for Christmas wreaths and centerpieces. The other is for candy. Both are great for the holiday and great gift ideas if you are not interested for yourself. These fundraisers will help us fund in-person NFB events. The first is Washington this winter and the other is for our state convention in the spring. But let’s not forget National Convention in New Orleans! Please help us reach our goal to fund these great events. Both links are fully accessible with Jaws and voiceover. Below are the links.


For sees candy the link is 

www.yumraising.com/secure/nfbwal_nfb_badger_chapter2/candy?h=Mar_Asc9121 <http://www.yumraising.com/secure/nfbwal_nfb_badger_chapter2/candy?h=Mar_Asc9121&c=fb4682> &c=fb4682

And for wreaths and centerpieces

www.giftitforward.com <http://www.giftitforward.com> 

and the pass code is NFBWIAWI001


Thank you in advance for your support.


Kimberly Kiser

NFBWI at-large Badger Chapter President


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