[NFBofSC] Independence Market – Highlighted Products of the Month for September:

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Sep 28 22:33:01 UTC 2021

Independence Market – Highlighted Products of the Month for September:

Pocket-size Talking Calculator - $15.00

White plastic calculator with a female voice that can perform basic math operations and percentage calculations. It has an eight-digit output and requires two AAA batteries, which are included.


Square Sock Lock - $2.50

Package of twenty, square, plastic sock locks that measure 1.5 inches on each side. 


Round and Assorted Sock Locks - $3.25

Package of sixteen single, and four double, round plastic sock locks.


Sale and Close-out Items (Supplies Limited):

Shut-the-Box Game - $10.00

Tactile Low-Vision Timer - $12.00

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