[NFBofSC] Agency and non-member Exhibit Hall App

Jennifer Bazer jennifer.h.bazer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 18:11:14 UTC 2022

Below and attached is the exhibit hall application for agencies and
non-members of the NFB.




2022 NFB of SC Convention Exhibit Hall Application

August 25 - 28

North Charleston Marriott

4770 Goer Drive 

North Charleston, SC, 29406

(843) 747-1900


Application deadline August 5, 2022


Business/Agency: _____________________________________________________


Contact Person: ____________________________________________________ 


Address, City, State, ZIP:




Email: _______________________________________ 


Phone 1:  ___________________________  


Phone 2:  ___________________________  


          Please complete the following information if the contact person
for the organization is different from the person that will be exhibiting
for the organization.


Exhibitor Name: _______________________________________________________


Address, City, State, ZIP:




Phone: ______________________________________________


Email: _________________


Number of tables: _____


Number of chairs: _____


Number of electrical outlets: _____



Other comments: _______________________________________________________ 


          Please return this application with a check for $125.00 for state
agencies and other non-federation exhibitors payable to the NFB of SC to

          NFB of SC Convention Exhibit Hall

          119 S. Kilbourne Rd.

          Columbia, SC 29205


Or pay using our secure PayPal at www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org> ,
and click on the Donate by PayPal button.  Please be sure to put "Exhibit
Hall" in the memo field.



We look forward to seeing you there!


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