[NFBofSC] Fwd: Lori: This Rx victory is thanks to YOU

Lori Anne Coley loriannecoley at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 03:32:10 UTC 2022

Lori anne coley
National Federation of the blind of South Carolina sports an recreation  division.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: aarpadvocacy at email.aarp.org
> Date: August 12, 2022 at 8:36:53 PM EDT
> To: LORIANNECOLEY at gmail.com
> Subject: Lori: This Rx victory is thanks to YOU
> Reply-To: AARP <reply-fe9012757264067f7c-1502_HTML-144059421-1306810-17117 at email.aarp.org>
> View in Browser
> Lori, thank you, thank you, thank you. Through an incredible outpouring of calls, emails, petitions, tweets, and visits with lawmakers, we fought to lower drug prices — and we won. 
> Over our YEARS of fighting for action to address skyrocketing Rx prices, bills were delayed and even stopped in their tracks, but we kept demanding Congress take action — and we won.
> Through it all, we stood up to the big drug companies’ army of lobbyists and millions of dollars in misleading advertising — and we won.
> Moments ago, the historic Inflation Reduction Act passed the House. It now goes to the President’s desk for signature. 
> The bill allows Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for the first time ever, penalizes drugmakers for increasing their prices in Medicare higher than inflation, limits what seniors have to pay out-of-pocket for their prescriptions to $2,000 a year, and caps insulin co-pays in Medicare at $35/month. 
> Because of our work together, millions of Americans will save money on their medication. We are changing lives for people who were forced to choose between paying for everyday needs like groceries or essential medicine.
> I am so grateful to each of you who took the time to make your voice heard on this issue. We may not be able to match the money Big Pharma spends. But we bring the voices of real people — and voters — to this fight. You, our AARP members and activists, are our true source of strength. Here are some stats demonstrating your incredible grassroots power:
> 4,595,404 emails sent to Congress
> 243,170 phone calls to Congress
> 4,356,194 petitions signed
> 24,500 Rx receipts submitted totaling more than $12.1 million in monthly out-of-pocket costs, as part of our ‘Show Your Receipts’ campaign
> More than 8,000 stories sharing your personal struggles with high prescription drug costs
> 72 telephone town halls with members of Congress
> Lori, this is a major victory, but the fight isn’t over. Drug companies are already spending millions to attack the new law so they can keep charging Americans the highest Rx prices in the world and drive up their profits. So we have to stay vigilant.
> But I know AARP members NEVER turn away from doing what’s right — especially when our lives, pocketbooks, and well-being are on the line. It is up to us to keep fighting for lower drug prices — and together we will not back down until all Americans 50+ can afford their medications.
> Thank you,
> Nancy LeaMond 
> Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer
> P.S. Eager to take the next step in our work? Here’s two ways to help: 1) Sign up to join our mobile activist team. We’ll send you breaking news so you can be the first to know and act. 2) If you are able, chip in and donate to support our work. We’ll use your gift to keep defending Social Security and Medicare and advocating on the issues important to people 50+.
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