[NFBofSC] Door Prize Donors

Shannon Cook coffeequeensc1 at sc.rr.com
Tue Aug 30 02:41:34 UTC 2022

Hello Federation Family,


I wanted to thank the following who donated door prizes this year.  As
previously stated, two boxes were misplaced by the hotel, so you may not
have heard all of these  donors mentioned.  I wanted to thank them for their
donations just the same.  

Columbia Chapter

Belvedere Chapter

SC School for the Deaf and Blind

Ed and Julie Bible

At Large Chapter

Blind Merchants Division

David Bundy

Patricia Cheatham

Carolyn Phillips

Jennifer Bazer

NFB of Florida

Senior Division

Steve and Shannon Cook

Sports and Rec Division


Loretta Green

Roger Webb

SC Parents of Blind Children

SC Association of Guide Dog Users

Mag Floyd


I apologize if I have left anyone out.   Please correct me by responding to
this message with any other donors if so.




Shannon Cook

Member, National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina

The greatest investment you can make in this world is kindness.


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