[NFBofSC] Guide Dog User Division Interest Meeting Monday, January 31 at 8 PM

Jennifer Bazer jennifer.h.bazer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 16:03:47 UTC 2022

Hello All!


There will be a SC guide dog User interest meeting on Monday, January 31 at
8PM on the Federation zoom platform.


During this meeting, we will elect officers and form a constitution.


If you would like to join this division, run for an office as president,
vice-president or secretary/treasurer, we hope to see you at this meeting.
If you just want to know more, please join us. You do not have to be a guide
dog user to be in this division, just have interests in guide dogs and
policies related to guide dogs and their users.


The president and vice-president must be a guide dog user.


Hope to see a lot of you January 31 at 8PM Eastern.


Federation Center




Meeting ID: 803 254 3777 Passcode: 124578


One tap mobile +19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)



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