[NFBofSC] Things to Remember as the end of the month approaches

Jennifer Bazer jennifer.h.bazer at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 00:43:11 UTC 2022

Hello All!


Just wanted to remind all of you of a few things as the end of the month


Have you checked in with other members to see how they are doing? We have so
many who have lost loved ones, in the hospital, going through challenges.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and let them know you are
thinking of them with a call, a card.



Have you completed a Palmetto Convention Grant if this is your first NFB of
SC state convention. Deadline is July 31. Contact Shannon Cook at
803-254-0222 with questions.


have you made your room reservations at the North Charleston Marriott if you
are attending our 66 annual state convention August 25-28? Room block is
released to the general public on August 5 at 5:00 PM EDT so rates and
availability may not be guaranteed. Call 888-236-2427. August 25 room block
almost full.


Have you paid for your state convention? Have you filled out the
registration form? Both must be completed before registration is complete.
Please let us know if you need assistance.


have you completed an exhibit hall application to have a table at state
convention? Divisions? Chapters? Others? $40 for members, divisions,


Have you checked in with individuals or companies who may be willing to
sponsor our state convention from $100 level to $2,500 level? We have
received only a third of what we did last year in sponsorship, but we still
have time to make a difference.


Have you sent a note to be Brailed for Lois and Marshall Tucker for their
fiftieth wedding anniversary or sent an audio recording?


Have you thought about questions to ask state agencies like commission for
the Blind, School for the Deaf and Blind and State Library and emailed 

Elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com <mailto:Elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com> 


Have you considered what Resolutions we may wish to adopt during state
convention? Elizabeth Rouse and Valerie Warrington would love to hear your
ideas from the Resolution committee. Don't worry, you do not have to write
the resolution just give ideas. 


Have you told someone what a good job they have done lately? Or that you
appreciated something they did or said?


Have you patted yourself on the back lately for a job well done?


I appreciate all of you.


Email me at

Jennifer.h.bazer at gmail.com <mailto:Jennifer.h.bazer at gmail.com> 

Or call me at 803-960-9977 with questions about anything you have read here.



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