[NFBofSC] FW: You don't want to miss tomorrows Sunrise and Shine. We're talking Conventions, Lots of them! Thursday, March 10th at 9:00 AM

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Wed Mar 9 11:08:54 UTC 2022

>From our friends in Florida!


Steve Cook

District 2 State Board Member of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of SC

Click here to view the National Federation of the Blind of SC 2021 PSA! <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4awrn7eddQ&t=16s> 


The National Federation of the Blind creates and distributes several publications and audio reports to inform both our membership and our friends about the true nature of blindness, issues of interest to the blind, NFB news and action items, and the many important stories we share. 

Click here to read more about Publications and Media from the NFB! <https://www.nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media> 



From: russell at radiorusty.com <russell at radiorusty.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 5:53 AM
To: nfbf-l at nfbnet.org; nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org
Subject: You don't want to miss tomorrows Sunrise and Shine. We're talking Conventions, Lots of them! Thursday, March 10th at 9:00 AM


Good morning everyone,


Our first Sunrise and Shine  call of the month will take place tomorrow, Thursday March 10th at 9:00 AM. This will be a truly conventional call. By “conventional” I don’t mean ordinary or boring, but rather a call loaded with talk of conventions. With the continued lessening of the horribly long COVID crisis more and more organizations, like the NFB, ACB, Foundation Fighting Blindness and Family Café are traveling to conventions all over Florida and beyond. We’ll review what’s happening out there and will have some special guests on hand to give us details. Kati Lear and Sheila Young from the Florida Council will be on hand and from the Federation, I know  that NFB of Florida State Convention Committee Chair, Peggy Fleischer will also have lots of info to provide. Please make plans to join us and take in all the warm smiles of those on the call.


If you haven’t been to one of our calls before, joining us at 9:00 AM for coffee or tea will give you a chance to find out what you’ve been missing. We always take time for welcoming new guest speakers and participants and for lots of warmth and laughter.


Most of us have become pretty familiar with attending meetings using the Zoom platform over the past couple of years and in fact, we’ve been using Zoom since we launched Rise and Shine way back in 2020. If you’re not used to using Zoom or if it’s still giving you difficulties, don’t give up just yet. You can access the meeting by clicking on he below listed web link, by using the one tap mobile feature or by dialing the phone number provided and entering the access code when prompted.


The regulars on our call are always warm and welcoming and are thrilled to see new faces. 


Hope to have you with us Thursday morning, see below for the Zoom info. The first person caught snoozing on the call has to buy me a new suitcase.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me before the call. Check the bottom of this email for the Zoom call-in instructions. 

Russ Davis, Coordinator
   NFB Newsline of Florida
ph. 904-993-8433 (mobile)

Email: Russell at radiorusty.com <mailto:Russell at radiorusty.com> 


NFB Florida Newsline is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sunrise and Shine with NFB Newsline

Date/Time: Thursday, March 10th, 2022 9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,96184895393# US (New York)

Direct dial access phone number
+1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 961 8489 5393






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