[NFBofSC] Membership and Dues Guidance for 2023

Marty McKenzie marty2music at outlook.com
Mon Oct 24 11:00:58 UTC 2022

October 24, 2022
Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents & Others
From:  Marty R. McKenzie, President
Subject:  Membership and Dues Guidance for 2023
(843) 939-8091
marty2music at outlook.com<mailto:marty2music at outlook.com>
Dear Federationists,
This memo is being sent to you alongside the most recent Positive Note to clearly outline the procedures and expectations concerning membership documentation and dews.  The Membership and Mentoring committee met on October 10, 2022 to develop the procedures that the NFB of SC will use this year for collecting dues and reporting information to the State Office. Please know that we are aware some chapters and divisions may need assistance with these procedures, and the Membership and Mentoring committee and I stand ready to provide any assistance chapters and divisions need to complete this process. Please see the procedures outlined below.

  *   Membership Coordinator: Each chapter should have a Membership Coordinator who is responsible for collecting the information needed for reporting to the State Office. In most cases, it is the First Vice President.
  *   If the current Membership Coordinator cannot enter information into a spreadsheet, chapter or division presidents should appoint someone from the chapter who can assist the Membership Coordinator with this task.
  *   If there is no one in the chapter who can enter membership information into a spreadsheet, then the Membership and Mentoring committee will designate someone to assist.
  *   The Membership and Mentoring committee will send each chapter/division president and their Membership Coordinator an Excel spreadsheet containing the current membership list for that chapter/division.
  *   Chapter presidents should send the name and e-mail of the Membership Coordinator and assistant to Thom Spittle at nfbsc.lab.4 at gmail.com<mailto:nfbsc.lab.4 at gmail.com>
  *   Membership Coordinators will update the spreadsheet with any new information, add new members and remove members who have passed or relocated.
  *   Membership Coordinators will note in the appropriate column whether or not dues were paid to the local chapter by December 31, 2022.
  *   Once all dues are collected at the local chapter level, a list of dues paying members and payment must be sent to the State Office.
  *   This can be done by mailing a check and a list of names to the Federation Center or by using PayPal to send one payment for the chapter and place a list of names in the notes block. In either case, the updated spreadsheet must be sent back to the Membership and Mentoring committee.
  *   PayPal may be used to pay dues in some instances; however, everyone should be aware of the following from the NFB of SC constitution.

Article IV: Local Chapters

Any organized group desiring to become a local chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina shall apply for affiliation by submitting to the President of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina a copy of its Constitution and a list of the names and addresses of its members and elected officers. When the National Federation of the blind of South Carolina, either in convention assembled or by action of its Board of Directors, shall have approved the application, it shall issue the chapter a Certificate of Acceptance. Annually, during the month of January, each local chapter shall provide to the Treasurer of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina a current list of its members, their names and addresses and their state dues. Upon request, a local chapter shall provide the state President with a list of names and addresses of the chapter members and with a detailed financial report of the chapter for the past year. The fiscal year of this organization shall be the calendar year. As new members enter local chapters, their names, addresses and state dues shall be sent without delay to the state Treasurer of the state organization. The President of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina shall be an ex-officio member of each local chapter. In the event of the dissolution of a local chapter, or if (for whatever reason) the local chapter ceases to be a part of this organization, its assets shall become the property of the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina; and it shall forthwith cease to use the name National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind or any variant thereof.

  *   This Article from the NFB of SC Constitution makes it clear that dues are paid at the chapter/division level and then sent to the State Office/treasurer.

Please note that anyone who pays dues to the national organization at www.nfb.org<http://www.nfb.org> has joined the national organization and is not a member of the SC affiliate unless dues are also paid to the SC affiliate. Members should ensure that dues are paid to the correct entity.

If you have questions, please reach out to me and I will be happy to assist you.

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