[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1882

Marty McKenzie marty2music at outlook.com
Mon Sep 5 12:47:30 UTC 2022

September 5, 2022
Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents & Others
From:  Marty R. McKenzie, President
Positive Note 1882
843-939-8091  marty2music at outlook.com

Dear Federation Family,

There are a few items to pass on regarding the 66th NFB of SC state Convention. A special thank you goes to David and Darlene Houck for their preparation of the nametags, agendas and all of the other work they did at the State Convention. Our appreciation also goes to Steve and Shannon Cook for their work on door prizes, Larry Warrington and Steve Cook for the work on streaming and to all who assisted with the voting process Sunday morning. We want to thank past board members Steve Cook, J.W. Smith and Neel Sheth for their years of service on the State Board. the banquet fundraiser netted $8,280 for which we are grateful. The beautiful quilt donated by a dear lady from Mount Hebron United Methodist Church was auctioned and brought an additional $777 for the NFB of SC.

Blind Equality Achievement Month is observed in October of each year. Consider what events your chapter or division can do to promote a positive image of blind people during this special month.  Please share your activities with me so that these events can be scheduled and promoted across the state.

It is time to appoint committees for the 2022-2023 convention year. If you are interested in serving on a particular committee, reach out to me at marty2music at outlook.com or via phone/text at 843-939-8091. The committee appointment process will conclude by the end of September so that the work can begin in October.

Understanding the history of the NFB of SC is very important for our members. In an effort to provide this in small bytes, I have asked David Houck to provide us with a Federation Fun Fact. See the first of these snapshots from our past featured below.

The Palmetto Blind was begun by Donald C. Capps in April 1957, then known as the Palmetto Auroran, which was also the year the Braille Monitor began.  Most issues were copied by mimeograph machine onto legal sized paper until February 1966.  After that it was printed on letter size paper.  The April 1957 issue discussed the upcoming April 27 to 28, 1957 state convention of the SC Aurora Club of the Blind (our older name at that time).  Room rates at the Ft. Sumter Hotel were $5, $8 or $9 depending on one to three occupancy.  Like our recent convention in North Charleston, Boy and Girl Scouts were present to be of assistance.  While we only had the Spartanburg, Columbia and Charleston Chapters at that time the agenda was somewhat close to ours today.

Wishing each of you a happy and safe Labor Day holiday!

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