[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1884

Marty McKenzie marty2music at outlook.com
Mon Sep 19 11:00:02 UTC 2022

September 19, 2022
Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents & Others
From:  Marty R. McKenzie, President
Positive Note 1884
843-939-8091  marty2music at outlook.com

Dear Federation Family,

The first board meeting following the 66th State Convention took place at the Federation Center of the Blind on Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The board room was filled with positive energy and all board members present engaged fully in the work of leading the NFB of SC into the next year. The board dedicated time on how we will work together to ensure that we communicate effectively and that all NFB of SC constitutional requirements are met and established policies are followed. There was a report from the Successful Transitions Oversight committee and all engaged in discussions concerning the 2023 State Convention along with many other topics.

The next Palmetto Connects will take place on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. on the NFB of SC Zoom platform. You may join by computer using this Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8032543777?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09 or by dialing 929-205-6099. Enter the meeting ID of 8032543777 and the passcode of 124578. The meeting will last approximately 1 hour and each board member will introduce themselves to the organization.

Congratulations to Demetrius Williford, President of the Anderson Chapter, and Kerry Burris, Past President of the Anderson Chapter and Past State Board member, on a radio interview that is very well done! You can find a recording of this interview on the NFB of SC listserv.

The Anderson Chapter is having a festival at the Anderson Mall on September 24, 2022 beginning at 11:00 a.m. Please contact Demetrius Williford at nfbandersonsc at gmail.com<mailto:nfbandersonsc at gmail.com> for additional information.

Please send your BEAM and other events to me at marty2music at outlook.com<mailto:marty2music at outlook.com> for reminders in the Positive Note up to two weeks prior to events. A calendar of events will be established following committee appointments. We will share the monthly calendar when it is available.

A Message From Thom Spittle
Fall is just around the corner and planning has started for the Rocky Bottom Board Retreat on November 18-20, 2022 at our wonderful camp in the mountains.
If you are a board member, chapter or division president, committee chair, or member of the NFB of SC, you can join us for this weekend of food, fun, fellowship and, of course, board meetings.
Accommodations are limited, so priority will be given to board members, then chapter & division presidents, then others.

If you would like to attend, please contact Thom Spittle at 803-331-3344 or nfbsc.lab.4 at gmail.com<mailto:nfbsc.lab.4 at gmail.com>  by September 30th, in order for us to make room assignments.
Lenora Robertson and her kitchen crew will prepare meals for us on Saturday, and have a little something for us for breakfast on Sunday.

Here is David Houck's Federation fun fact for this week! Let's continue to read and learn together about our rich history in South Carolina.

As a result of a NFB of SC board meeting held in Osterneck Cottage in 1986, NFB of SC President Donald C. Capps had the idea of doing something similar to the NFB's Presidential Release for the South Carolina affiliate, thus the weekly Positive Note was born. The purpose was to provide "something of a positive nature that has happened in the NFB of SC during that particular week." This quote was in Positive Note number 1, dated August 22, 1986. Now we are up to Positive Note 1884. What was discussed was a meeting of the Pickens Chapter at Rocky Bottom. New mattresses were needed for the bunk beds. Challenged to start up the fund, Phil Patterson, Pickens Chapter President secured $250 and later a Columbia Chapter member gave $100 for the bunk bed mattress fund. Others followed suit, contributing much to the fund.

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