[NFBofSC] NFBSC Sports And Rec monthly meeting

Lori Anne Coley loriannecoley at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 18:05:34 UTC 2023

: Monthly Meeting - Sports and Rec Division - Agenda and Zoom Information
Dear Sports and Rec Division Members,
I hope this email finds you well. Our monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 14th at 6 pm, and I wanted to provide you with the agenda and Zoom information for the session. We encourage all members to attend as your input and participation are invaluable to the success of our division.
	1	Greeting and roll call
	2	Secretary and treasurer report
	•	Fundraiser ideas for the convention:
	•	Fitbit or Yeti cooler
	•	Trail mix or M&M's for convention attendees
	3	Discussion on events or activities we can organize at the convention
	•	Get Jiggy and June event scheduling for the last two weeks of the month:
	•	Get Jiggy on Tuesdays and Saturdays
	4	New business from members
	5	Closing remarks
Please make sure to come prepared with any updates or suggestions related to the agenda items.
Zoom Information:
Join Zoom Meeting
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8648789090?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09 (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8648789090?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09)
Meeting ID: 864 878 9090
Passcode: 124578
One-tap mobile: +19292056099,,8648789090# US (New York)
Please ensure you have the Zoom application installed on your device and log in a few minutes before the scheduled meeting time to avoid any technical difficulties.
We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting and hearing your valuable contributions. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out
to me.

Best regards,

Lori anne coley
President  NFBSC sports an rec. Div.  
Public relations and social media committee
Click to donate, or join our membership, and follow us on social media.   
Purchase your Sports And Rec division koozie get 2 for $4  fundraiser    
Tastefully simple   shop <https://www.tastefullysimple.com/p/11475864    
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