[NFBofSC] FW: Tactile art show for visually impaired and blind patrons

Marty McKenzie marty2music at outlook.com
Tue Mar 28 21:46:33 UTC 2023

Good Afternoon,

I received the below communication and I have spoken with Ms. Edwards. I am sharing with you all as well.

My Best,


From: Margaret Edwards <edwardsm at ccpl.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 3:27 PM
To: marty2music at outlook.com
Subject: Tactile art show for visually impaired and blind patrons

Dear Marty,

I am writing to introduce you to a unique art show we had planned to launch last year designed especially for blind or visually impaired patrons. We worked with a local artist and schoolteacher to gather artists' works in many different media for patrons to actually touch, feel, hold in their hands. I had spoken with Jennifer Bazer, last year's state president of the National Federation of the Blind, and she was thrilled to hear about this opportunity.

Despite our enthusiasm, we did not have enough entries to host such a show but we are renewing our efforts this year and plan to host such a show starting May 11 at the Cynthia Graham Hurd St. Andrews branch in Charleston, SC. We've posted flyers at various locations around town and spread the word through our library's social media.

We're hoping you could partner with us in some way by spreading the word: sharing the invitation for artists, helping us publicize the show, any avenue you might deem helpful to bringing this show to life. We feel it will be a great way to engage that portion of our community who are unable to see with their eyes but can connect with art through touch.

Additionally, we plan to accompany each art piece with an audio recording of the artist explaining their inspiration for their artwork, what they created it out of, etc. We could also make Braille titles, something Jennifer Bazer had mentioned and offered to help with.

Please let me know if you are interested in working with us on this. My branch manager, Jana Stevenson, and I are happy to answer any questions you may have. I've attached the call for entries form and the art exhibit release form, as well.

I look forward to hearing from you!

[Image removed by sender.]2023 Artists' Call for Entries.docx<https://ccplorg-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/edwardsm_ccpl_org/EcceZj7CG51Hilrg87QyDuEBv--y0d2ZqD4jiGnyvxjyyw>

[Image removed by sender.]CCPL Art Exhibit Release (1).pdf<https://ccplorg.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/HurdSt.AndrewsStaff/EVKU-QGq0zxEsuQ7Oun4sZcBXgUEeoQbDvtTFWpgh61-EA>

Best wishes to you,

Margaret Edwards

Circulation Assistant

Hurd/St. Andrews Library

1735 North Woodmere Drive

Charleston, SC 29407
Office: 843-766-2546, ext. 8309
[Image removed by sender. Charleston County Public Library Logo]<http://www.ccpl.org/>

Love your Library? Make a gift<https://www.ccpl.org/projectmain> to the Project: Main campaign today!
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