[NFBofSC] FW: A Man To Emulate

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Thu Jan 18 00:25:46 UTC 2024



Steve Cook

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From: The Blind History Lady <theblindhistorylady at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 2:01 PM
To: cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Subject: A Man To Emulate


A Man To Emulate 




Hello to all my history fans.


I hope you are keeping warm! I know I usually stick to only one story a month, but this one, highlighted by Perkins School for the Blind, deserves celebration. See the link below.


For a while now, I have been in correspondence with the author, Ms. Sweetapple. Although I had Charles Lindsay, her ancestor on my radar, he was from Canada. I have more than I can manage with just our U. S. blind ancestors.


Lindsay was interesting to me in that he had every opportunity to be a leader in the blind world, both in the agency and blind movement. He had the money and gave it freely to his blind brothers and sisters. By 1915, Lindsay had a free braille lending library in his downtown office building. But, he was a peacemaker, a partner, and a teambuilder. He was a founding member and first president of the Montreal Association for the Blind in 1908. Not having political aspirations, he supported his friend and fierce competitor, Philip Layton, a blind man with the second biggest piano business behind Lindsay in Montreal and maybe even Canada itself to head the blind movement in Canada.


Here is an exceptional story about him as a man, a human we should all try to emulate, be we blind or sighted.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0015C0g9-Ej2lo5gxJ5YrnSAKfpmhv3VOCbQKMkCtvTzx2X7Yu3uMbO2gJriEfvibCBcM10w02Z1Igj8xJ54UidPsuTsE3RouSHJDWLfT8YKyplx9hSWuQeg5ekHK_WeLsIju3NtkIP_zVQwuYybbutxnZJ8IUvy7WlDHQQQp1Pj2nE--jHAhkQSA==&c=sl_y71fV3DaKm45BtN-tdIlCkK2xavaCGdb_qk72yg5dU2sq1Es6ZA==&ch=CDgvqK78oEQfnx_Q79vN80wqvo8gADnSbndT4gSUrVteoJRzm1q4kQ==> https://www.perkins.org/sir-charles-william-lindsay/


For more of my stories go to www.smashwords.com <http://www.smashwords.com>  and look for The Blind History Lady.




www.theblindhistorylady.com <http://www.theblindhistorylady.com> 






The Blind History Lady | 14152 E Linvale Pl, 201, Aurora, CO 80014 

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