[NFBOH-Cleveland] Cleveland Board and its Chairs

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 01:21:27 UTC 2017



On November 8, 2017, the first Board meeting was brought to order and
Secretary, Cheryl Fields will send out the minutes shortly.


One of the topics was the appointment of Committee Chairs.  In addition, I
have assigned members to serve on various committees.  However, this is not
definite.  Everyone has the right to agree or discuss a better fit for
service.  I am positive that all members will get involved and become ready
to work for 2018.  I will speak to all Chairpersons prior to the meeting on
Friday to discuss their members who were appointed.  Then, I will call each
member to discuss what particular committee was suggested.


Below you will find the Committee and the Chairs and also announcements that
you should take notice.


Thank you for your cooperation and see you on Friday at the Chapter meeting.


The agenda will be posted on Wednesday, November 15, 2017.  Please read the


Suzanne Turner, President




Please read!




A. If you wish to attend the Washington Seminar on 01/29-02/01/2018, please
let me know by November 30, 2017 at 6:00 PM so I can submit your name.

B. President Payne has requested names of those who would like to serve on a
State Committee, please email him at RCHPAY7 at gmail.com
<mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com>  by 11/25/2017.  Cheryl posted his email with the
names of the committees and their functions.  Please read over them. 

C. PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution, You can help to support programs of the
NFB via checking account of a monthly monitary gift.  It is at your
discretion what you can give.  Any amount will be appreciated.  Call the
Jernigan Institute to give at 410-659-9314. 

D. Please sign up for OhioTalk at
http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org.  This is the
Listserve of the State of Ohio, that provides important information that
drives the mission of the organization.  Here is where President Payne and
other officials posts vital accounts, updates and announcements.

  E. All New Members of the NFB should register at NFB.ORG.  and search for
new member registration and complete the form.  You will be eligible to
receive the Braille Monitor and other publications. 

F. The NFB National Convention is July 3rd thru the 8th 2018. You can make
your reservations now. 

Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, 939 Universal Blvd, Orlando FL 32819

T: 866-996-6338   

P: 88.00 for singles and doubles and 93.00 for triples and quads, 12.5%



President, Suzanne Turner

Vice President, Rosa Jones

Second Vice President: William H. Turner

Secretary: Cheryl Fields

Board Member: Octavia Culbert

Board Member: Shirley Patterson

Board Member: Theresa McKinney

Board: Member Robert Campbell

Social Media Officer: Owen McCafferty


Cleveland's Committees


I Membership

William Turner, Chair


II Employment

Wilbert Turner, Chair


III Legislature

Attorney, Robert Campbell, Chair


IV Fund Raising

Natassha Ricks - Tereasa McKinney, Chairs



Joann Williams, Chair


V Senior

Shirley Patterson, Chair


VI Community Engagement, 

Cheryl Fields, Chair


VII Diabetes Action Network

Sarah Bishop, Chair   


Sub Committees

A Social Media

Owen McCafferty, Chair


B Organization and Planning Committee

Octavia Culbert, Chair

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