[NFBOH-Cleveland] (no subject)

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 00:46:13 UTC 2017



This is not what you want.  It doesn’t seem to be out yet.  This doesn’t say Jernigan.  These scholarships are for the 30 that are given for education, employers and alike.




From: NFBOH-Cleveland [mailto:nfboh-cleveland-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Owen McCafferty via NFBOH-Cleveland
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:42 PM
To: NFB of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter List <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [NFBOH-Cleveland] (no subject)


This link on the NFB page 


Scholarship Program <https://nfb.org/scholarships>  



Scholarship Program

National Federation of the Blind 2018 Scholarship Program National Federation of the Blind Announces 2017 Scholarship Finalists The 2018 Scholarship Program application period begins on November 1, 2017 and ends on March 31, 2018.



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS> 

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, 7:38 PM, Suzanne Turner via NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> > wrote:



Where are you reading about the scholarship?




From: NFBOH-Cleveland [mailto:nfboh-cleveland-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Owen McCafferty via NFBOH-Cleveland
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:25 PM
To: NFB of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter List <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com <mailto:ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com> >
Subject: Re: [NFBOH-Cleveland] (no subject)


Thanks Susanne!! Have a happy thanksgiving. 



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS> 

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, 7:24 PM, Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com <mailto:ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com> > wrote:

I’m not completely ready to submit yet! I was just on the NFB website and it mentioned some things I need before I even apply by the March 31st deadline. They need a proof if my legal blindness which I got from the sight center, at least one letter of recommendation, a 700 word personal essay which I can start on that and they mentioned something about an interview from the affiliate NFB Chapter President. So not ready to submit yet but learning what this w entail! Thanks!



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS> 

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, 7:15 PM, Suzanne Turner via NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> > wrote:



I have to send a letter to President Riccobono for you.  So let me know when you are done completing the application.


Make sure you send a copy.





From: NFBOH-Cleveland [mailto:nfboh-cleveland-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Owen McCafferty via NFBOH-Cleveland
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 7:05 PM
To: NFB of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter List <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com <mailto:ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com> >
Subject: Re: [NFBOH-Cleveland] (no subject)




Thanks! I did that part so far found the website and where to apply online. True I need to read the Braille Monitor morefot tips to apply. I’ll keep you updated! Especially if I need any letters of reccomedations!



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS> 

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, 6:58 PM, Suzanne Turner via NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> > wrote:



I applaud you in your efforts seeking assistance.  If you go to WWW.NFB.ORG <http://WWW.NFB.ORG>  you will find all of the info.  While you are there, pull up the Braille Monitor and it will tell you.  The Jernigan First Timers is what you are looking for.  You would need me to assist and I will submit it and sign off on it for you.




From: NFBOH-Cleveland [mailto:nfboh-cleveland-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Owen McCafferty via NFBOH-Cleveland
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2017 6:53 PM
To: NFB of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter List <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com <mailto:ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com> >
Subject: Re: [NFBOH-Cleveland] (no subject)




Great meeting last night I wish had more time to discuss the national convention and how to apply. I found the scholarship application for the Jerrigan scholarship which I can still qualify. There’s s way to apply online I discovered but there’s a checklist you have to submit like proof of eye condition, letters of recommendation and a 700 word essay on myself which I know I can do!! All I’m asking from the group is for any assistance such as tips on how to apply that would be helpful. I know I have until March 31 to submit but if I can start the ball rolling the right way that would be great! This is my goal for 2018!! To attend the national convention!! 



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS> 

On Saturday, November 18, 2017, 6:43 PM, Cheryl Fields via NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org> > wrote:

Alexis, So sorry you could not make it to the meeting.

Below are the October minits. I am still working on November and will

send to you soon.

Here's what you need to know: Holiday Celebration!

Date: Friday December 15, 2017 Time: 6:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M. Cost: $

26.00 plus tip and tax

second floor banquet room Cash Bar

Location: DoubleTree Downtown 1111 Lakeside Avenue

Everyone will pay on night of event and I will call you with menu

selections. Invite a friend!


Keep selling Love Birds Raffle tickets, if you need more tickets call Suzanne.


Soaps by Us, I'll call you about this too, smiles.


Keep watching the Cleveland list serve for more announcements! Talk to

you soon! CF  The National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland

October 20, 2017 Chapter Meeting Minits


President William Turner called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. He

welcomed everyone and offered a few announcements, No conference

calling for this meeting because of elections, no proxy voting or via

telephone. He made membership aware that that Cheryl Fields is

recording the meeting and all cell phones be

turned off. The chapters mending and grieving members: Billie Graham,

Henry Butler, Evelyn McClean and

Richard Kirks. President Turner also informed chapter that the Kirks

are moving out of the state soon, and friend of NFBC John Franklin of

Birmingham, Alabama is recovering from surgery.  Billie Graham, who

was in attendance informed the chapter that she is well and was

incorrectly added to the list. President Turner apologized for the

error and everyone had a good laugh. Grieving members to are Richard

Payne, loss of father, Mary Ponder,

loss of cousin, the family of NFB Capitol chapter member, Stephanie

Claytor and the Chapter. He asked we keep all these people and their

families in our prayers.

The NFB Pledge was read responsively and led by Rebecca Russell.

Members were reminded to listen to the Presidential release on NFB

Newsline. The Secretary and treasurers report will be provided at the


chapter meeting. Reminder that 2018 NFB C chapter dues are currently

being accepted by Treasurer

Natassha Ricks. All Romance Basket auction donations are being

accepted by Suzanne Turner this evening.


Teresa McKinney, Split the Pot winner Arlene $ 7.50.


President William Turner reminded everyone to vote in local elections,

on November 7 and early voting is available at the Cuyahoga county

board of elections.


President William turner opened the floor for adoption of previously

proposed amendments to the NFB C constitution. Before the motion,

Billie Graham and Nettie McDermott expressed concern about not being

present when proposed amendments were read. They asked to have another

reading. After discussion, due to time constraints the adoption of NFB

c constitutional amendments was tabled until November meeting.

Note: See attached


After explanation: The difficulty with finding willing candidates NFB

C offices, the nominating committee inquired about, having suspend the

1 year rule for the 2017 election only suspended. Allowing the

committee to present a full slate of candidates to consider for

officers.  President Turner and Vice President Fields agreed to bring

this to the membership for a vote.


Note: Past elections have allowed this without a motion and did not

stay within the parameters of the NFB C constitution. After a lively

discussion, Cheryl Fields placed a motion on the floor and seconded by

Wilbert Turner.

Motion:  Suspension of the 1 year board requirement to be considered

for a position as a NFB C officer for this election only.


Rebecca Russell did an official roll call from chapter roster. A hand

vote was called for. Ms. Russell and Arlene

counted the hand votes. 22 members in good standing present, motion

needed 2/3 vote to pass. Ken Ury and Arlene questioned membership and

ability to vote in this election. The nominating committee allowed

them to vote.

Note: They paid 2017 dues to Cuyahoga chapter and 2018 dues to

Cleveland chapter. This made them members in good standing in both

chapters. Additional discussion ensued. Ivory Pattilo pointed out that

the U.S. Senate suspended this same rule recently. President Turner

called for the vote. 11 for the motion, 4 opposed and 7 abstentions.

The motion failed. After the motion failed, Cheryl Fields asked Mrs.

Russell if slate contains members that have not served on executive

committee. Mrs. Russell answered, Owen McCafferty and his name will be


Additional discussion occurred, President William Turner listened,

confirmed failure of the motion and declared all offices and 2 board

seats vacant. He then placed the meeting in the hands of the

nominating committee,

Rebecca Russell and Ivory Pattilo (Chair Rosa Jones unavailable due to

illness). Mrs. Russell The slate presented and voted on is follows:

President Suzanne Turner

Vice President Rosa Jones

Recording Secretary Shawanna Griffin

Corresponding Secretary Owen McCafferty (declared ineligible)

Treasurer Natassha Ricks

2 At Large Board Seats: Octavia Culbert, Annie Dixon declined, William

Turner, Shirley Patterson, Rita Jeminez not in attendance, Cecil

Dukes, Bryant Ealy, Teresa McKinney currently serving  on board.


Election Results:

Each position was voted on individually, President, Vice President and

Treasurer were voted in by acclamation, with the following exceptions.

Recording Secretary, Cheryl Fields nominated from the floor by William

Turner and voted in as Recording Secretary.

Corresponding Secretary, nominating committee provided description of

position and no nominations from the floor were offered.

First board seat, Owen McCafferty and Wilbert Turner were nominated

from floor and declined. Octavia Culbert and Shirley Patterson were

successfully elected. This brought the 2017 NFB c elections to a close

and the meeting was returned to President William Turner.

Note: The 2017-2019 NFB c Executive Committee:


President Suzanne Turner

Vice President Rosa Jones

Recording Secretary Cheryl Fields

Corresponding Secretary Vacant

Treasurer Natassha Ricks

At Large Board Seats: Octavia Culbert

Board: Shirley Patterson,  Teresa McKenny

1 Vacancy Term ending 2018

Note: Rosa Jones previously held this seat, currently elected to Vice

President, leaving vacancy.


President William Turner thanked the nominating committee for their

hard work and dedication to the chapter.

Congratulated all of the new chapter officers and board members.

President William Turner thanked the chapter for trusting and

supporting him as president for the last 10 years. He expressed that

his commitment to the chapter is strong and he is ready to continue

building the federation.  William told the members that Cleveland is


for the state Gavel Award next week at the Ohio Dream Convention and

win or lose, Cleveland is a great chapter and be proud! President

William Turner passed the official NFB C gavel to newly elected

President Suzanne Turner! Cheers from the membership erupted!

President Suzanne Turner thanked the nominating committee and the

membership for electing her.


Meeting Adjourned by William and Suzanne Turner.


Submitted on November 17, 2017 by Cheryl Fields Secretary


National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland


216-566-4317 <tel:216-566-4317> 


NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org <mailto:NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org> 







The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends

who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we

work together to help blind people live the lives they want.



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