[NFBOH-Cleveland] Cleveland Chapter Weekly Announcements
Cheryl Fields
cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 22:05:31 UTC 2018
National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland:
April 23rd, 2018 Weekly News
Good Day Cleveland,
It's time to get busy, less than 4 weeks until the deadline of May 20th and the
Senior Gala Saturday June 9th Time 2 P.M.-6 P.M.
For flyers and tickets Contact:
Arlene Hlad 216-212-2153 Tereasa McKinney 216-862-7046
Natassha Ricks 216-376-9863 Rebecca Russell 216-581-0076
Gloria Conway 772-882-1654 Joanne Williams 216-229-4733
Stay current, Read The Spring Buckeye Bulletin and the April Braille Monitor
Tonight! Monday April 23rd Ohio Affiliate Board Meeting 7 P.M. Teleconfrence
Call: 712-775-7031
Code: 240281423
Listen to the Presidential Release on NFB Newsline, Amazon Echo and on
line at NFB.ORG
Quote of the Week:
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act
rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those
because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
Early Voting Is Happening Now
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections
2925 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
View Ballots on Line and Track your ballot on line at
Tuesday May8th Mid Term Primary
Registration for the November 6th Mid Term Election is still open!
Don't have a smart phone and want to use Huber and Lyft?
Use "Go-Go Grandparent's" toll free number is 1-855-464-6872. You'll love it!
Book Discussion Comming Soon: Learn More about the Federation, Read
Walking alone and marching together : a history of the organized blind
movement in the United States, 1940-1990 DB31066
Call OLBPH at 216-623-2911 to request a copy of the book or download
at nlsbard.loc.gov.
Remember to keep our elders,those that are homebound, mending member
Rosa Jones as she rehabs Theresa McKenny and family while they mourn
the loss of Step Father in your thoughts and prayers.
Accessible Television thru Spectrum:
If you are a Spectrum custumer, it is time to give them a call.
To make the program guide accessible and other features of the service
to visually impaired and blind people, Spectrum is installing Roku.
Call: Spectrum Vision Solutions at 1-844-762-1301 for details.
Tip of the Week:
Have you ever eaten in a restaurant and couldn't figure out which
shaker was the salt and which one was the pepper?
Well, Wayne Fletcher has the cure for this problem... When you pick up
both, take a moment to notice the weight.
The salt shaker is heavier than the pepper shaker.
Send your tips to Cheryl...
Cleveland Chapter Calendar:
Friday May 18th Chapter Meeting Time: 3 P.M.-5 P.M.
Location: Cleveland Sight Center 1909 East 101st Street
Bring your Loose Change, chapter dues and NFB Gear Payments
Monday May 14th New Member Orientation Teleconference
Sunday May 20 NFB Ohio Senior Division 7 P.M. Teleconference
Topic: Mobility
Saturday June 9th Cleveland Senior Gala Time: 2 P.M.-6 P.M.
Dinner, Live Music and Door Prizes
Speaker Barbara Pierce President NFB Ohio Senior Division
Tickets $ 35.00 (No tickets will be sold at the door)
Location: Mitchel's Lounge
, 24900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44117
Ohio Affiliate Calendar:
Monday April 23rd Ohio Affiliate Board Meeting 7 P.M. Teleconfrence
Call: 712-775-7031
Code: 240281423
Friday May 4th Piggest Raffle Ever Drawing
Sunday May 6 20th Annual Flying Pig Marathon Cincinnati, Ohio
30 Volunteers Needed, bring your family and friends! for the NFB BLT
Station located at mile 9 of the half marathon.
Cheer on runners, hand out tissues and help the Ohio affiliate earn $ 500.00!
On line registration required Deadline April 27th
Contact Sherry Albers 513.886.8697
Sunday June 24th thru Saturday June 29th Braille Enrichment Learning
and Literacy Academy BELL
Held in Columbus, Ohio at the Ohio State School for the Blind ossB
Volunteers Needed Contact Rachel Kuntz 937.245.0547
Friday November 2nd thru Sunday November 4th NFB Ohio State Convention
Holiday Inn, Cleveland-Strongsville 15471 Royalton Rd. Strongsville, Ohio
Call and reserve your room: 440-238-8800
Rate: $82.00 per night, Includes Breakfast
Use Amazon Smile!
Keep on shopping, what about Mothers Day and Graduations? Ask your friends and
family to go to amazonsmile.com and choose the Ohio Council of the Blind as
their charity of choice. Sherry
Ohio Affiliate Donations
Please mail Convention Pledges, BELL, Script, Washington and Columbus
Seminar Donations to:
NFB Ohio Treasurer Sherry Ruth
6922 Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 44035
Purchase NFB Ohio Scripts Gift Cards
Contact Shari Ruth for details:
National Calendar:
MAY 1: Deadline for Distinguished Educator of the
Year nominations
MAY 1: Deadline for NFB EQ program applications
MAY 31: Deadline for preregistration for the 2018
National Convention
JUN 3: NFB 6 Dot Dash, Baltimore, MD
JUL 3-8: National Convention, Orlando, FL
JUL 29-AUG 4: NFB EQ, Baltimore, MD
NOV 13-16: BLAST Conference, San Antonio, TX
Mail your 2018 Chapter Dues, and other Donations to:
National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland
PO Box 141077 Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Experience the Cleveland Voice Box and Share with Fellow Federationists:
(641) 715-3900
Extension: 582705#
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines blind people or their future. Every day we
raise the expectations of and for blind people, because low
expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. We
can live the lives we want; blindness is not what holds us back.
Please join us in our work by becoming a member, attending an event,
sharing this newsletter, or supporting our programs.
More information about the NFBOH-Cleveland
mailing list