[NFBOH-Cleveland] June 19, 2020 Minutes is in the body of the email and attached.

ali benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 23 21:45:51 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland Chapter


June 19, 2020 Minutes:


The June Chapter monthly meeting was held through a teleconference call on
Friday, June 19, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. The Call number used is 605-313-4834 and
the pass Code is 246345. The reason for having this teleconference meeting
is to adhere to COVID-19 social distancing adopted by the National
Federation of the Blind and the local and state officials.



William Turner, First Vice President, welcomed all members, attendees from
other chapters and Divisions, all guests/visitors. 


Roll Call:

Suzanne Turner, President, welcomed everyone and made sure about the
attendance of the chapter's members.


NFB Pledge:

Joann Williams, Cheering Committee, helped all attendees to recite the
National Federation of the Blind Pledge.


Mending and Bereaved Members:

Suzanne Turner, President and Cheryl Fields, 2nd Vice president, informed
the Board about the health issues of some chapter and affiliate members
and/or their relatives and urged everyone to keep them in his/her thoughts
and prayers.


Your own Radio Talk: who would be your first guest.

Suzanne Turner, President, asked the above question and the answers were as
follows: Suzanne Turner, Richard Payne, Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Kane,
Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Perry, Martin Luther King Jr., Bill
Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Mark Riccobono, Kenneth Jernigan, John F. Kennedy.  


President's Announcements:

Suzanne Turner, President, thanked everyone for attending the meeting, for
the help some of the members are providing, and for all the meetings
organized by some members during these COVID-19 difficult times. Also, she
reminded the Board about the following items and to do the needful whenever


1.	Urged everyone to read the NFB emails regarding the 2020National
Federation of the Blind Convention.
2.	The Ohio Affiliate Caucus will be on Friday, July 17, 2020 from
11:00 A.m. until 1:00 P.M. She urged everyone to be present.
3.	She urged all members to contribute $20.00 to any of the three
listed funds and have a chance in winning a gigantic and voluminous award.
4.	She urged all member to register for the PAC Plan, which is a
monthly contribution of at least $5.00 through a debit card/credit card and
added that she is available to help with the registration for those facing
difficulties. Moreover, she clarified that these automatic monthly
contributions will help other blind individuals to be independent and live
the life they want.
5.	She reminded all members about the one-minute Video making
competition on "how the federation helped you become what you are "and the
submission deadline.
6.	She urged all veterans to submit their information as soon as
possible to William Turner and/or Suzanne Turner in order to be included in
the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 National Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind.
7.	She reminded everyone about the 30th ADA Anniversary that is going
to be celebrated during our next monthly meeting, which is on Friday, July
24, 2020.
8.	For those interested in using the $25.00 voucher offered by LIFT,
please contact Suzanne Turner, or William Turner or Richard   Payne to get
the code and take advantage of the offer before the end of July.
9.	She informed all members about the E-bike/scooters discussion on the
accessibility and safety issues that is going on. She added that we should
pat ourselves on the back for advocating about ourselves and describing the
danger that these e-bikes and scooters present out there for the blind
community. Further, she urged everyone to read the email sent by the City of
Cleveland describing the current dialogue and possible actions/policies that
may take place in the near future.
10.	She urged everyone to participate in the Ohio Guide dog users yuppy
hour/meetings and activities. She added that our chapter has seven guide dog


Treasury Report:

Natassha Ricks, Treasurer, presented the financial reports for June 2020.
The Checking account reflects to date, $332.81and the Savings reflect to
date: $1,033.89. Billie Graham made the motion and Delcenia Brown second it.
the treasury report was voted on and carried. The complete treasury report
was submitted and it is included as an Appendix to these minutes. Also, she
reminded everyone about sending their dues by mail as soon as possible.


Secretary Report: 

Ali Benmerzouga, Recording Secretary, with the help of Suzanne Turner's
technology touch, presented the June 2020 minutes. Henry Butler made the
motion and Delcenia Brown second it. The minutes were voted on and carried.



Suzanne Turner, President, informed all members about The Informational
Seminar organized by Cleveland Chapter under the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio that will be on Thursday, 

August 13, 2020 from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. EDT. The location is going to
be Zoom Platform. She added that, this Informational Seminar will be a great
occasion to learn about programs and services for blind Ohioans, that are
administered by various providers across Northeast Ohio. All networks will
offer insight on their specific and inter-related services for blind
children, blind adults, blind seniors and persons with various disabilities.
Furthermore, she urged all members to call/attend such very important
activity and benefit from it.


Senior Report:

Gloria Conway, Committee Chair

Gloria Conway, Senior Committee Chair reminded the board about the monthly 

Call, scheduled on Sunday, June 21 at 7:00 P.M. and announced that the topic
for this meeting is "The Air fryer." She added that there is a daily coffee
break call at 10:00 A.M. and urge everyone to call, check in let those on
the call know how he/she is doing and break the isolation caused by


Community Service:

Cheryl Fields, Committee Chair, informed everyone that the weekly Happy Hour
during this pandemic will not take place during the week of 2020 National
Convention of the National Federation of the Blind. She added that we will
celebrate Christmas in July, and that Sandy Krems and her are working on
giving a talk related to "social distancing with kids and grandkids during
this pandemic."


, Guest:

Magdalena Felton, a registered nurse, gave a great talk about non-24 and
informed everyone to get in touch with her for any further questions. She
left her contact information with Suzanne Turner.


Team Building Exercise:

Suzanne Turner, President, started a team building exercise and asked
everyone the following question: if you become president of the National
Federation of the Blind, what would be your first initiative? There were
many answers, such as: call all presidents and vice presidents and tell them
that black lives matter; understanding diversity, educate people about
blindness, dual disability, to be at the table when decisions are made,
educate internally and go outside to the community, and push the legislative


Shout out: 


Gloria Conway informed all members about the iPhone training that is going
to take place on Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.: She
added that the topic is going to be "the iPhone rotor.": 


William Turner urged everyone to stay strong and keep active.


Dr. Carolyn Peters informed everyone that her son is getting married.
Everyone congratulated her about such great news!


Denise thanked God for being healed and asked everyone to pray for her to
find a good Aid.


Suzanne Turner informed everyone that she got a job. Everyone congratulated
her and wish her all the success!


Richard Payne, Affiliate President, Thanked the chapter for being active
during the pandemic, reaching out, using zoom calls, staying connected with
the membership, reading his emails, and reminded everyone about the Caucus
meeting   during the National Convention. He added that the State Affiliate
is planning a 2020 state convention.


William Turner Thanked Richard Payne for all the help and support he is
providing to all chapters and members.


Pat: she enjoyed our meeting the non 24 presentation, urged all to use and
get used to zoom before convention, and to attend the rotor training, 


Meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.



Please make a note of the action items below:


Voice Box Number:

(641) 715-3900

Code: 582705


Cleveland Teleconference Number:

(605) 313-4834

Code: 246345


Ohio Conference Line:

Tel: (712) 775-7031

Code: 240281423


Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

 <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851

Meeting ID: 408 185 0851


One tap mobile

+16468769923 and ID code: 408-185-0851.


Zoom Telephone number:

(669) 900-6833

Id: 4081850851



Ali Benmerzouga, Recording Secretary

440-590-0315 - cell


Natassha Ricks, Treasurer

(216) 376-9863




1. Please take a moment and like, share and promote Cleveland's Facebook



2. Please subscribe to Ohio-Talk to stay informed on the know in the Ohio

Ohio-Talk mailing list

 <mailto:Ohio-Talk at nfbnet.org> Ohio-Talk at nfbnet.org



3. Please subscribe to Cleveland's List Serve for all up-to-date information
in the Cleveland Chapter.


 <mailto:nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org>
nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org


4- Please don't forget to send your dues to our Treasurer as soon as you

5-please call a member who you have not seen for a while and talk to them
about returning to the Cleveland Chapter.




Appendix: The Treasury Report:


NFB Cleveland Chapter June 2020 Treasury Report


Prepared by: Cleveland Chapter Treasurer, Natassha Ricks


Month/Year:    June 2020                    


Checking Acct:                       $332.81


Savings Acct:                          $1,033.89


Dues:                                       $165.00

Number of members:  11

1.         Cheryl Fields

2.         Danielle Fields

3.         Suzanne Turner

4.         Danielle Turner

5.         Brook

6.         David

7.         Alexis Tyson

8.         Paula King

9.         Anita

10.       Linda Buford

11.       Renee Arlington


Benevolent:                             -0-


Donations:                               -0-


Fundraisers:                             -0-


Split the Pot:                           -0-


Deductions:                             $10.00

1.	PAC plan                     $10.00


Convention:                            -0-

Convention YTD:                   $80.00

1.	Cecil Dukes ($80.00)





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