[NFBOH-Cleveland] Transportation to Food Banks and Food distributions

Cheryl Fields cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 23:06:03 UTC 2020

Available Now To Ohio's Medicaid Managed Care Members
BHN - Sharing Community Info.png
Medicaid Community Partners and Stakeholders,

As Ohio continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis, we are working
hard to ensure our most vulnerable citizens maintain reliable access
to food resources.

To that end, Ohio’s five Medicaid Managed Care Plans (Buckeye Health
Plan, CareSource, Molina Healthcare, Paramount Advantage, and United
Heathcare Community Plan) provide our members with no-cost
transportation services to and from food banks, food pantries, food
clinics, and grocery stores as part of their plan benefit.

This transportation service is essential to many of our members. We
need your help to tell our members about this service; and encourage
members to contact their respective health plan to get the
transportation services they need.

Each health plan continues to do everything possible to tell our
members about their transportation benefit and how to use it.  One of
the key connections we share with our members is our strong
relationship with you -- our valued community partners.

With your help and support in promoting the transportation benefit to
our members, we can improve their access to healthy food, and
ultimately improve their health and well-being.  By undertaking this
united effort on behalf of every Ohio member, we can help get food on
the table for Ohioans in need during this unprecedented health crisis.

Included with this email is a resource document listing the
transportation benefits provided by each Managed Care Plan. You will
also find the contact information for each plan and instructions on
how you can help schedule transportation services if needed.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on this list if you have
questions or need additional information. As our partners in service,
you are crucial to the health and safety of Ohio’s Medicaid members.
Thank you for helping us help our members!

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2020-11 All Plan Transportation Grid (WG)_1.jpg
2020-11 All Plan Transportation Grid (WG)_2.jpg
2020-11 All Plan Transportation Grid (WG)_3.jpg
2020-11 All Plan Transportation Grid (WG)_4.jpg

Wishing You All the Best,

Cheryl E. Fields

A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human
life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will
never sit.
--D. Elton Trueblood

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