[NFBOH-Cleveland] {Spam?} August 21 2020 Cleveland Chapter Minutes

ali benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 17 21:23:30 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Cleveland Chapter


August 21, 2020 Minutes:


The August 2020 Chapter monthly meeting was held through the Ohio Conference
Line on Friday, August 21, 2020 at 5:00 P.M. The number and Id were provided
to all members, guests, visitors and are given below in these minutes. The
reason for having this teleconference meeting is to adhere to COVID-19
social distancing adopted by the National Federation of the Blind and the
local and state officials.



Regina Mason, Cleveland's Membership Committee, welcomed all members,
attendees from other chapters and Divisions, all guests/visitors. 


Roll Call:

Suzanne Turner, President, welcomed everyone and made sure about the
attendance of the chapter's members, guests and visitors.


NFB Pledge:

William Turner, First Vice President, helped all attendees to recite the
National Federation of the Blind Pledge.


Mending and Bereaved Members:

Suzanne Turner, President and Cheryl Fields, 2nd Vice president, informed
the Board about the sad passing of some members' relatives and asked
everyone to keep them in their prayers and thoughts. Also, they reported
that some Chapter/Affiliate members and/or their relatives are having some
health issues and urged everyone to keep them in his/her thoughts and
prayers. They concluded by mentioning those members who are feeling better
or fully recovered.


Treasury Report:

Natassha Ricks, Treasurer, presented the financial reports for August 2020.
The Checking account reflects to date, $532.81and the Savings reflect to
date: $1,033.92. Delcenia Brown made the motion and Shawana Griffin second
it. the treasury report was voted on and carried. The complete August 2020
Treasury Report was submitted, and it is included as an Appendix to these
minutes. Also, she reminded everyone about sending their dues by mail or any
other available mean before the next monthly meeting. She added that this is
an election year and dues are required to be able to vote.


Secretary Report: 

Ali Benmerzouga, Recording Secretary, with the help of Suzanne Turner's
technology touch, presented the July 2020 minutes. Billie Graham made the
motion and Delcenia Brown second it. The minutes were voted on and carried.



President's Announcements:

Suzanne Turner, President, thanked everyone for attending the meeting, for
the help some of the members are providing, and for all the meetings
organized by some members during these COVID-19 difficult times. Moreover,
she welcomed all visitors from other chapters who are joining our meeting


She reminded those who did not pay their dues as of yet to do so as soon as
they can and urged them to Pay their dues to the Chapter's Treasurer,
Natassha Ricks before the next meeting. She added that she is more than
willing to help those who would like to send their dues through Cash-App
with some nominal transaction fees to expedite the process and/or avoid
using the postal method.


She urged all members to participate in/donate to the Ohio Association of
the Blind Students Walkathon, which will be over by the end of August 2020.


She urged everyone to join the Live Presidential Release scheduled for
September 1, 2020 at 8:00 P.M.


She reminded everyone about the Regional Para Transit Advisory Council
meeting that will take place on Monday, august 31 at 11:00 A.M. and to ask


Ohio fundraisers: 

She reminded everyone that the Ohio fundraising are still going on and urged
all members to donate. 


She informed all members that when purchasing from Amazon, there is an
option to use through Amazon smile will credit some percentage to the NFB
Ohio Affiliate.


The M&M Virtual fundraising drive is now going on in the affiliate. Each
virtual pack is $48.00. She urged everyone to buy one or two packs and
contribute to the affiliate.


She talked about the Toastmaster program and how it will build self-esteem,
improve advocating and speaking, how to engage, mediate and persuade people.
She added that it is a national program from August 24 till August 29, 2020.
She added, remember, the NFB does advocate! Please take advantage of such
great opportunity and learn as much as you can from it.


She reminded everyone about the duty of voting and urged everyone to do
his/her homework and vote for his/her best candidate.



A: State convention:

She urged everyone to register as soon as possible. She added that she is
available if anyone needs help with the registration process. Also, she
mentioned that the Convention is going to be virtual and through Zoom


B: Gavel Report and other Awards:

She urged everyone to find out what he/she/they have
done/contributed/participated during the past 12 months or so at the
chapter, affiliate and national level in order to include it in the 2020
Ohio Gavel Award.


C: State Obligations:

She asked all members to think about how much we should pay/contribute to
the state of Ohio.


D: Door Prizes:

She asked everyone to think about the type of door prizes we are going to
donate. Furthermore, Annette Lutz, Capital Chapter President, talked about
our virtual state convention that will be held on November 6, seventh, and 8
and how she is looking forward to calling our wonderful door prizes for
everyone! But, in order for her to do that, she needs all chapters,
divisions, and members to donate. She concluded by stating that if you would
like to donate a door prize, please let her know. please make sure that you
are registered for our convention so that you can be among one of the


E: Exhibit Hall:

She asked all members about whether we are going to have an Exhibit
Hall/Raffle or not. She added that if the answer is yes, she urged everyone
to think about new ideas to include since the gathering is going to be
virtual through Zoom platform.


F: Volunteers:

She mentioned that the convention needs volunteers. She added that there are
many ways to volunteer and urged everyone to get in touch with her if they
are interested.


G: State Elections:

She reminded all members that there are many state positions open this time.
Moreover, she told everyone that before nominating any member, you need to
talk to the person and get his/her approval.


Cheering Committee:

Joann Williams, Chair, talked 

Encouraging Power:

Joann Williams, Cleveland's Cheering Coordinator, reminded the Board that
there are many ways to help cheer up. She invited all members to join and
encourage one another on Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 4:00 P.M. on Zoom


Senior Committee:

Gloria Conway, Chair, made the following four announcements:

A: The daily Coffee break is back. It is still at 10:00 A.M. until 10:30


B: she reminded everyone about the Mentoring Initiative and how that helps
the new members feel more welcomed and supported.  She added that if anyone
would like to be a Mentor or a Mentee, please call her or Regina as soon as
you can. 


C: There will be a $200.00 prize offered by the State Senior Division during
the 2020 State Convention. She further clarified that in order to be
eligible to win such great prize, you need to buy as many $10.00 tickets to
increase your chance of winning the $200.00, to be registered for the 2020
State Convention and to be present by Zoom or phone when drawing the winner
during the Banquet. The deadline for buying tickets is Saturday, October 31,


D: It is time for the yearly dues of the State Senior Division, which are
$5.00 per year. Please send your dues and the money for the purchased
tickets for the chance to win $200.00 to my home address.

Gloria Conway,

16008 Evening Star Ave,

Maple Hts., OH 44137


Community Services:

Cheryl Fields, Committee Chair, made the following reminders:

A: The weekly Happy Hour during this pandemic that takes place through Zoom
Platform every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. and it is open for all members in Ohio.


B: The importance of voting and urged all members to register to vote. She
added, if you have moved, make sure to change your address and Check your
polling location. Moreover, if you are not going to vote in-person due to
COVID-19, make sure to request an absentee ballot and make sure to cast your


C: US census is running another survey about covid-19. it is a short one.

She urged everyone to access it, complete it and submit it.


D: Free COVID-19 testing centers information/details are with her in case
anyone is interested.


Natassha Ricks, Cheryl Fields and Suzanne Turner agreed to compile and
provide a great Resource List and send it to all members, especially
veterans and seniors. Some of the resources that were mentioned are help
with the heat bill, water bill, emergency transportation, distribution
places, ordering food, help with shopping, medication delivery, etc.


Shout out:


A big shout out to Cleveland and Ohio Affiliate for the good work, building
the federation and recruiting new members. 


Suzanne turner, President, thanked Renee, Gloria and sandy for the excellent
job they did during the last meeting with many service agencies located in


Richard Payne, Affiliate President thanked all chapters for the good work
and support they are providing for the Federation. 


Meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.




Please make a note of the action items below:


Voice Box Number:

(641) 715-3900

Code: 582705


Cleveland Teleconference Number:

(605) 313-4834

Code: 246345


Ohio Conference Line:

Tel: (712) 775-7031

Code: 240281423


Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

 <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851

Meeting ID: 408 185 0851


One tap mobile

+16468769923 and ID code: 408-185-0851.


Zoom Telephone number:

(669) 900-6833

Id: 4081850851



Ali Benmerzouga, Recording Secretary

440-590-0315 - cell


Natassha Ricks, Treasurer

(216) 376-9863




1. Please take a moment and like, share and promote Cleveland's Facebook



2. Please subscribe to Ohio-Talk to stay informed on the know in the Ohio

Ohio-Talk mailing list

 <mailto:Ohio-Talk at nfbnet.org> Ohio-Talk at nfbnet.org



3. Please subscribe to Cleveland's List Serve for all up-to-date information
in the Cleveland Chapter.


 <mailto:nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org>
nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org


4- Please don't forget to send your dues to our Treasurer, Natassha Ricks as
soon as you can.


5-please call a member who you have not seen for a while and talk to him/her
about returning to the Cleveland Chapter.




Appendix: NFB August Treasury Report:


NFB Cleveland Chapter Treasury Report


Prepared by: Cleveland Chapter Treasurer, Natassha Ricks


Month/Year:   August 2020               


Checking Acct:                       $532.81


Savings Acct:                          $1,033.92 (+$0.00 in interest)


Dues:                                       $30.00

Number of members: 2

1.     Rebecca Russell

2.     Sarah Bishop


Benevolent:                            -0-


Donations:                              -0-


Fundraisers:                            -0-


Split the Pot:                           -0-


Deductions:                            $10.00

1.	PAC plan $10.00

Convention:                            -0-

Convention YTD:                   $80.00

1.	Cecil Dukes ($80.00)

Miscellaneous:                       $70.00

Miscellaneous YTD:               $90.00

1.	Delcenia Brown ($20.00 for NFB coin case)
2.	Rebecca Russell ($70.00 unspecified/undecided)


End of August 2020 Treasury Report.

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