[NFBOH-Cleveland] A Black History Month Presentation: Leadership in the NFB

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 17:24:16 UTC 2021


Hello Fellow Leaders,

I am sorry it has been a while since our last meeting. One of the things I
recall is that people wanted to explore how to become a leader in the NFB,
how to sustain leadership, and how to advance in leadership positions in the

This will be our first topic in celebration of Black History Month. The
information is below. Please feel free to share with others. Also, if you
have other program ideas, please feel free to email me at
davant1958 at gmail.com <mailto:davant1958 at gmail.com> .


The Black Elected Leaders Working Group under the Black Leaders Serving for
Advancement (BLSA) Committee cordially invites you to a celebration of Black
History Month as we celebrate black leaders in the National Federation of
the Blind.

Come hear from distinguished and respected Black leaders on the
characteristics of a good leader and how they became leaders and sustained
leadership in the National Federation of the Blind. 


When: February 27, 2021 


12:00 PM CST

11:00 AM MST

10:00 AM PST


Ron Brown and Shawn Calloway are distinguished Black leaders in the National
Federation of the Blind and they are well-respected across the Federation.
Ron Brown is the 2d Vice President of the Board of Directors of the National
Federation of the Blind and has been the NFB of Indiana's President for over
30 years. Shawn Calloway serves on the Board of Directors of the National
Federation of the Blind and has been the President of the NFB of the
District of Columbia for over 10 years and serves as the co-chair of the
Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the chair of the Black Leaders Serving
for Advancement.

These leaders will discuss 

1.	What are the Characteristics of a leader

. 2. what does it take to become a leader in the National Federation of the
Blind and sustain leadership over a number of years? 

3. Have they  had to navigate the issue of race in their respective
positions in the NFB? 

4. What lessons does each one of them take from Black leaders like John
Lewis, Martin Luther King, JR, and countless other Black  leaders as they
work in our organization to improve the lives of blind people? 


Don't miss this opportunity to hear from and ask questions of Ron and Shawn.

The Zoom link is below:

National Federation Of The Blind Of The District Of Columbia Washington, DC
is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


Topic: Black elected leaders program

Time: Feb 27, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 977 3066 5309

One tap mobile 

+13017158592,,97730665309# US (Washington DC) 16468769923,,97730665309# 

+US (New York)


Dial by your location 

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 

        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) 

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 977 3066 5309

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aoTuDxIGp 


Join by Skype for Business






If you have any questions, please contact Denise Avant, 1st Vice President
of the NFB of Illinois at (773)-991-8050 or davant1958 at gmail.com
<mailto:davant1958 at gmail.com> .





Denise Avant, ESQ

1st Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Illinois

For more information about NFBI,

Go to www.nfbofillinois.org <http://www.nfbofillinois.org> 


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