[NFBOH-Cleveland] Thinking about just leaving NFB

Owen McCafferty ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 13:11:33 UTC 2021

I know this past year has been a very difficult year for NFB dealing with this Pendemic, having to adjust everything being virtual or on Zoom but what I’m misding is that sense of community and fellowship and sad to say I’m not getting it here! Yes, we do have social media like Facebook, Twitter and even tiktik but it would be nice to get a one on one check up call or txt just to see how we have been dealing with this Pendemic!! 
For me, I’m still working on my artwork, it’s been my therapy on dealing with my anxieties. I’ve been trying to get out and get active but its hard when you still have to wear a mask! I allready gotten my vaccinations. Trying to to use RTA more but NOW I heard RTA is planning on doing some cuts with routes thatmay effect me and trying to get information ob it. 
Sorry if this post sounds like I’m complaining and I’ll probably get in trouble but it’s like i’m lost in the woods with you all! I was supposed to help Jim Wiess with the Cuyahoga Chapter website but I was told he resigned!! Whatever, I’m just very dissatisfied with the NFBO chapter of not checking on their members! 
Thanks for everything 

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