[NFBOH-Cleveland] Thinking about just leaving NFB

William Turner turnerw794 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 21:40:04 UTC 2021

Good afternoon Owen. First I would like to say that I agree with Ali. You
should probably just relax and take it easy. I realized that that can be
sometimes difficult.

Secondly I would like to say that this pandemic has taken a toll all of us
especially those of us who are blind. This past year has been especially
challenging for many of us in terms of obtaining Medical Care and other
daily Necessities which we need. I also hate wearing masks. That is why I
rarely go outside.

Lastly the most important thing I want to say is that you are a very
valuable part have the Ohio still yet as well as our Cleveland chapter. As
our President Richard Payne always State's everyone is important it doesn't
matter if they have been a member for 30 days or 30 years. You can feel
free to reach out to myself or any one of us. We are always available to
chat and encourage each other.

I can't wait until we are able to have face-to-face meetings and of course

Take care Owe


On Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 12:05 PM Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com>

> Ali
> Thanks for replying and you’re right I need to take it easy and be more
> proactive! Maybe its because of my anxiety disorder I find it hard to focus
> or comcentrate. My artwork had been my art therapy! I have no bad ill for
> NFBO I just need to feel I still belong somehow.
> I can only do zoom meetings so much and I just need to get out. I even
> miss volunteering at the hospital and because of this Covid19 crap they are
> not allowing volunteers to come in.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS>
> On Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 11:59 AM, ali benmerzouga <
> ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Owen,
> Congratulations for receiving your vaccination!
> Regarding your complain, here is my 2 cents:
> Just take it easy. Most of your friends are really busy with lots of
> stuff. We should be very thankful for having all those zoom meetings that
> are available through the chapter or the affiliate through which we are
> talking to each other and exchanging information.
> I have been in three zoom meetings lately and I did not hear/see you there
> and you are not the only one. Honestly, I was thinking about you and other
> friends absence.
> This pandemic drove us crazy and our leaders are doing their best to help
> us with the variety of programs to keep us informed and above the water. I
> am so grateful to all of them and what they are doing!
> My advice to you is to be proactive and connect with NFB chapter/affiliate
> zoom meetings as much as you can and talk to your friends. As a matter of
> fact, you will have a chance to talk to many of them at the same time and
> not only one when using the phone.
> Hope your Art work is progressing pretty well!
> *Talk soon …*
> *HTH*
> *Have a great day.*
> *Ali*
> *Live the life you want … *
> *From:* NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland-bounces at nfbnet.org> *On Behalf
> Of *Owen McCafferty via NFBOH-Cleveland
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 30, 2021 9:12 AM
> *To:* Suzanne Turner via NFBOH-Cleveland <nfboh-cleveland at nfbnet.org>;
> Cheryl Fields <cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com>; Suzanne Turner <
> smturner.234 at gmail.com>; Richard Payne <rchpay7 at gmail.com>; Will Turner <
> turnerw794 at gmail.com>
> *Cc:* Owen McCafferty <ojmccaf1963 at yahoo.com>
> *Subject:* [NFBOH-Cleveland] Thinking about just leaving NFB
> I know this past year has been a very difficult year for NFB dealing with
> this Pendemic, having to adjust everything being virtual or on Zoom but
> what I’m misding is that sense of community and fellowship and sad to say
> I’m not getting it here! Yes, we do have social media like Facebook,
> Twitter and even tiktik but it would be nice to get a one on one check up
> call or txt just to see how we have been dealing with this Pendemic!!
> For me, I’m still working on my artwork, it’s been my therapy on dealing
> with my anxieties. I’ve been trying to get out and get active but its hard
> when you still have to wear a mask! I allready gotten my vaccinations.
> Trying to to use RTA more but NOW I heard RTA is planning on doing some
> cuts with routes thatmay effect me and trying to get information ob it.
> Sorry if this post sounds like I’m complaining and I’ll probably get in
> trouble but it’s like i’m lost in the woods with you all! I was supposed to
> help Jim Wiess with the Cuyahoga Chapter website but I was told he
> resigned!! Whatever, I’m just very dissatisfied with the NFBO chapter of
> not checking on their members!
> Thanks for everything
> Owen
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS>
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