[NFBOH-Cleveland] Ohio Convention Events for Saturday, November 6, 2021

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 01:04:09 UTC 2021

Saturday, November 6, 2021

7:30--8:45 AM            Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN) meeting 

Susan Day, President   <https://zoom.us/j/9210052380>

Meeting ID:  9210052380

9:00-Noon            GENERAL SESSION
<https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851 - Meeting ID:

9:00 AM          Call to Order: Suzanne Turner, Vice President, NFB of Ohio 

9:05 AM          Invocation: Michael Moore, Member, Greater Akron chapter 

9:05 AM         Your Rights1 under the ADA and ACA: Sharla Glass, Public
Policy and Community Outreach Liaison, En-Vision America

9:35 AM          Living the NFB Philosophy: Andra Stover, Member, Greater
Akron Chapter

9:55 AM         Update from the State Library of Ohio: Tracy Grimm, Head of
Circulation & Special Services, State Library of Ohio

10:20 AM       The Evolution of Science Accessibility: Caroline Karbowski,
Executive Founder of See3D, Inc. Printing for the Blind and Biology Major,
Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences

10:45 AM       Know Your Rights and Fight for Change: Suzanne Turner, Vice
president of NFB of Ohio 

11:15 AM       Update from the Cincinnati Association for the Blind &
Visually Impaired: Teri J. Shirk, President/CEO Cincinnati Association for
the Blind & Visually Impaired, and Aaron Bley, CDE Vice President of
Community Relations & CDO

11:35 AM       President's Report: Back to the Basics and Engaging the
Future: Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio 

Noon               Recess

12:30--1:45 PM          NFB of Ohio Senior Division Meeting

Barbara Pierce, President        <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851>

Meeting ID:  4081850851

12:30--1:45 PM          Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users (OAGDU) Meeting

Deanna Lewis, President         <https://zoom.us/j/9210052380>

Meeting ID:  9210052380

1:00--2:30 PM Ability Seminar

Chris Sabine, Secretary, Cincinnati Chapter and Ryan Sima, Secretary,
Cuyahoga Chapter

Come and interact with blind people and understand the capabilities and
competencies that enable members of our community to be successful,
productive members in business and the nonprofit arena.
<https://zoom.us/j/4080373771> https://zoom.us/j/4080373771

Meeting ID:  4080373771

2:00--3:30 PM Introducing Amazon and What's New with Your Amazon Devices

Maggie Stringer, Member, Community Service Committee and Secretary, Capital
Chapter             <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851>

Meeting ID:  4081850851

4:00 - 5:30 PM      GENERAL SESSION
<https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851 - Meeting ID:

4:00 PM:         Call to Order: Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio

4:05 PM:         Nominating Committee Report: Suzanne Turner, Vice
President, NFB of Ohio 

4:10 PM:         Ohio Affiliate Elections

4:40 PM:         Report of Resolutions: Barbra Pierce, Chair, Resolutions
Committee and Member, NFB-O Board of Directors 

5:30 PM:       Ajournment

7:00--9:00 PM NFB OF OHIO BANQUET    <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851>

Meeting ID:  4081850851


*	Master of Ceremonies, Eric Duffy, NFB of Ohio Secretary 
*	Invocation, Dr. Carolyn Peters, Ohio Community of Faith Division
President and Member, NFB-O Board of Directors 
*	Keynote Speaker, National Representative, Everette Bacon, President
NFB of Utah and Member NFB National Board of Directors
*	Affiliate and Gavel Awards Presentations: Anette Lutz , Chair,
Awards Committee; member NFB of Ohio Board of Directors; President, Capital
Chapter; and President, Merchants Division 
*	Scholarship Awards: Jordy Stringer, Chair, Scholarship Committee
*	The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio would like to extend
our gratitude and thank the Norwalk Ohio Lions for generously supporting our
2021 scholarship program.

*         Money for the Movement, Todd Elzey, Treasurer NFB of Ohio, and
Secretary, Springfield Chapter

9:00 PM                Adjournment

9:00 PM          After-Party 

Stick around after the banquet to fellowship with your NFB-O family.
<https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851

Meeting ID: 4081850851

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