[NFBOH-Cleveland] Join Ohio as we host the First Lady, Melissa Riccobono, Celebrating Women History Month

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 23:14:17 UTC 2022

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio


Hosts: A Woman of Intentionality!


You are invited to Come into the Ohio Affiliate Zoom Hall, as we continue to
celebrate Women History Month, which is designed to support and enhance
contributions of notable women and their experiences.


Join Suzanne Turner as she has an inspiring,  and  yet candid conversation
with the National Federation of the Blind First Lady, Melissa Riccobono.


The two of them will share their philosophy on altruism, love and good
works, which are characteristics of a woman with Intentionality.


You do not want to miss this rare opportunity.


DATE: March 23, 2022


Time Zones:7:00 PM EDT.

6:00 PM CDT.

5:00 PM MDT.

4:00 PM PDT.


Where: Ohio Zoom Hall

 <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851


Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

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+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

Find your local number:  <https://zoom.us/u/abUfeUkQWm>


Join by Skype for Business

 <https://zoom.us/skype/4081850851> https://zoom.us/skype/4081850851


For questions, contact,

Richard Payne, Ohio Affiliate President

(937) 829-3368

 <mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com> RCHPAY7 at gmail.com


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