[NFBOH-Cleveland] All Are Invited To Participate With The Blind Parents Group

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 18:08:42 UTC 2023

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio (NFBO)

Blind Parents Group


Come and participate with the Ohio Blind Parents Group, which  is an
exciting opportunity to share, care and network together. The purpose is to
"connect blind parents or prospective parents to each other to facilitate
sharing resources, advocacy, and mentorship about parenting as a blind
person. This group connects blind parents and guardians from all backgrounds
and helps to raise the expectations in society for the capacity of blind


We will meet this Friday, July 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM. EDT on the Ohio Zoom


The topic this month is (Parenting without Sight) This is a publication of
the NFB. Please take a moment to review the text below prior to the meeting.


So, if you are, were or will become a parent, grandparent, adoptive or
foster parent and blind, join us on this Friday.


Blind Parents do not have to be a member of the National Federation of the
Blind to participate.


Please spread the word!



Parenting without Sight:

What Attorneys, Social Workers, and Parents Should Know about Blindness


Published by the Blind Parents Interest Group of the National Federation of
the Blind


National Center for the Blind

200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place

Baltimore, Maryland 21230-4998


(410) 659-9314

nfb at nfb.org






Kids Come First!


Our Way


On Your Mark, Get Set...


And Baby Makes Three


The Jingle of Little Feet


Safety First


Sick Days


Learning Starts at Home


Going to School


Keeping Up Appearances


Fun and Games


The Long View


A Few Words about Adoption


Parting Thoughts






A blind dad spins his kids on the merry-go-round at the playground.

Nothing is more important than keeping kids safe and giving them the best
possible start in life. That is why you became a child protection social

or a lawyer in the family court system-you fight for kids. It doesn't matter
if keeping them safe requires you to step on toes or to be politically

No matter what, you fight for kids.


No one ever said it was easy! You're expected to do the work of at least
three people. Pressures come from everywhere-from families, the press,

groups, and politicians.


Then there's the issue of social justice. You must protect children in a way
that respects religious, cultural, and ethnic differences. You must not

on the basis of race, disability, or sexual orientation. How can you balance
the needs of children against your commitment to be respectful of

When is "different" broadening and enriching? When is it dangerous? With all
of these pressures and dilemmas, how can you win? What's even more

how can the kids win?


Fun on the swings.

Like you, the fifty thousand members of the National Federation of the Blind
are determined to protect children. Many of us are parents, grandparents,

stepparents, or foster parents. We come from all ethnic backgrounds and from
every state in the nation. We are teachers, lawyers, laborers, and business

owners. Some of us are electricians, computer programmers, machinists, or
social workers, and some of us live on public assistance. In other words, we

are a cross-section of society. What brings us together is our knowledge
that blind people can and do live the lives they want, safely and


We in the Federation have a particular interest in reaching out to child
protection workers and other professionals who are concerned with the

of children and families. Our experience has taught us that blind parents
are scrutinized far more closely and judged to be unfit more frequently than

sighted parents under similar circumstances. Interventions often occur not
because of documented problems, but because caseworkers and judges fear that

problems may arise in the future. Federation leaders estimate that as many
as one in four households in which the parents are blind have been visited

workers from child protection services. Furthermore, blindness has often
been argued as a ground for terminating parental rights in custody cases. We

that these interventions and decisions stem from a lack of understanding of


Eddie in the park with the kids.

We believe that anyone, blind or sighted, who harms or endangers a child
should face the consequences of that behavior. But we insist with equal

that blindness in and of itself should not be considered a risk factor. In
other words, if you would not take any action if the parents were sighted,

should not take action simply because the parents are blind.


Busy as you are, you don't have time to conduct research on blindness and
learn all of the things you think you ought to know. Fortunately it isn't

to know volumes about blindness in order to assess a blind parent's
capacity. It IS necessary to begin with an attitude of optimism and belief.

of blind parents have raised happy, healthy children who have grown into
responsible, productive adults. Given the positive track record of blind

it's reasonable to start with the assumption that blind people have the same
capacity for parenting as sighted people do and that they are competent

and until proven otherwise. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Keep an open
mind, and you'll learn a lot from what we tell you.




"How can you manage?" Most of us who are blind have heard this question over
and over throughout our lives. Sighted people find it hard to understand how

blind people go about the tasks of daily life. As a sighted person you may
think that you couldn't possibly prepare meals, cross streets, buy

or hold down a job if you couldn't see. You may have heard that blind people
do all of these things and morea blind man even climbed to the summit of

Everest! Nevertheless, you may find it hard to believe, deep down, that the
things you've read and heard are true.


Learning through play.

It's hard enough for you to imagine how someone who is blind can hurry down
a flight of stairs or light the back burner when the pilot goes out. How

you wonder, can a blind mother keep track of a rambunctious toddler? How can
a blind dad take his preschooler to the park or teach his daughter or son

to ride a bicycle? How can blind parents keep their children safe in our
dangerous world?


At every stage of our children's lives, from infancy to young adulthood,
blind parents use the basic methods and strategies essential to parents who

see. Clear, consistent rules and a reasonable degree of organization usually
keep the home front from getting out of hand. On those unforgettable nights

when the sink backs up, the cat goes missing, the computer crashes, and
Megan's science project is due the next day, we do some creative re-planning

clutch at a few shreds of humor, as all parents do when the going gets


Alternative Techniques


To accomplish some tasks, blind parents use "alternative techniques." These
techniques are variations on the methods we use to handle other aspects of

our everyday lives and are based on touch and hearing rather than sight.
There are no absolute right or wrong ways for blind parents to do things;

of us chooses the methods that suit us best. We each bring our own set of
skills and deficits, and what is simple and obvious to one blind parent may

tricky to another.


Though our alternative techniques might surprise and even amaze you, try to
keep in mind that to us they are generally unremarkable. If you catch

assuming that some problem is too daunting for us to solve, stop to give it
careful thought. Try not to draw conclusions before you discuss the

with us and listen to what we have to say. We have extensive experience
living without sight, and most of us have developed excellent
problem-solving skills.

In addition, through support networks across the country, we can draw on the
expertise of thousands of other blind parents who have gone before us. Be

willing to learn from us and with us.


A number of blind mothers and fathers have contributed their time and ideas
to the preparation of this booklet. In the pages that follow, they share

child-raising experiences and describe some of the alternative techniques
that help them be effective parents. We know we cannot answer all of your

here, but we hope to demonstrate the resourcefulness and enthusiasm,
playfulness, warmth, and wisdom which blind women and men bring to the
challenge of

raising children.




Melissa Riccobono holds her baby. 

Whether we are birth parents, adoptive parents, or parents in the
foster-care system, children seldom drop into our lives unannounced. We
generally have

nine months to prepare, and by the time a baby arrives we have the basics in
order. When the due date rolls around, most blind and sighted parents have

acquired a crib, a changing table, and an assortment of charming outfits for
newborns. We may have had a baby shower and received a host of toys,

and gadgets, both practical and impractical. In eager anticipation we set up
a room to welcome the newest member of the family.


Becoming a Parent


For the most part, friends and relatives are delighted by the news that a
baby is on the way. However, blind parents occasionally run a gauntlet of

and even dismay. One blind mother reports, "When Tim and I told my
mother-in-law that we were expecting, she was horrified. She turned her back
on us and

walked away. Until then she'd always been very friendly toward me, and I
thought we had a good relationship. But she just couldn't get her mind

me taking care of a kid when I can't see." Such interactions can twist what
should be a joyful time into a time of stress and apprehension. For all

the support and encouragement of loved ones are invaluable. If our families
doubt our abilities, we as blind parents turn to others who can give us the

unconditional support we need. We have to remember that the doubts of others
are in no way a reflection on our actual capabilities.


Allison Hilliker finds some shade while out for a stroll.

Some prospective parents, blind and sighted, have already logged years of
experience taking care of babies and small children. They've babysat, cared

younger siblings, or worked in day-care facilities. Others, however, are
total novices. Blind parents-to-be, like our sighted counterparts, can catch

on baby care skills in a variety of ways. We might spend a day with a friend
or neighbor and practice changing her baby's diapers or feeding him a

We might get a relative to show us how to dress and swaddle a life-sized
baby doll. We can also enroll in parenting classes at a local hospital and

the instructor to give us hands-on demonstrations of diapering, bathing, and
other baby care tasks.


Communication is Key


It's important for us to establish comfortable, open communication from the
beginning with the health-care professionals who work with us. We try to be

clear about our needs and expectations, and to ask and answer reasonable
questions. If we find that our obstetrician or midwife has unalterable

attitudes about our parenting abilities, we may be wise to switch rather
than fight. We want and deserve the same respect accorded to other parents

prenatal care and during the birthing experience.


Ronit Mazzoni visits the aquarium with her two children.

"Emphasizing your blindness will often make other people focus on it," warns
Dena Wainwright of St. Paul, Minnesota. "My husband and I drew up a birth

plan that did not say anything about my blindness. I had an absolutely
phenomenal hospital experience. Not a single person questioned my ability to

for Elyse, and no one made any issue of my asking to be shown how to do
things. Even when I sent my husband home for the night to get some good

no one freaked out about 'the sighted parent' leaving me alone with our
newborn. No one insinuated that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed, or treated

any differently because of my blindness. The only thing they did to
accommodate me was that they had each nurse introduce the nurse for the
upcoming shift

to me when she left for the day, so I would know that the person coming into
my room was a hospital employee."




Because babies are so helpless and dependent, people often assume that
infant care is especially difficult for blind parents. Actually, most of us

that blindness presents very few extra challenges when we take care of
babies. Like sighted parents, we become experts at interpreting our baby's

gurgles, and babbling. When we hold her we can read her moods through her
body language. We feel her reach her arms toward some enticing object,

at the sight of a stranger, or droop her sleepy head against our shoulder.


Diaper Changes


Mother changing her baby.

Changing diapers is a way of life for parents with babies. Diapering is easy
when we get the hang of it, but it doesn't come instinctively. Like any

first-time parent, the blind parent must be shown how to perform the task
and given the chance to practice. We use our hands to make sure the clean

is positioned properly. Some blind parents buy cloth diapers with snaps in
order to avoid using safety pins, but others handle pins without difficulty.

Like sighted parents, many of us choose to use disposable diapers.


Nose and fingertips tell us when the baby needs a diaper change. We can
easily feel the dampness and heaviness of a dirty diaper and of course the

of smell provides a major clue! When cleaning the baby's bottom we try to be
systematic, working carefully from one area to the next with cloth or

Diaper rash can easily be detected by touch, because it produces raised
bumps and causes the skin to feel unusually warm. However, the mild redness

may precede a full-blown rash is not so discernible. In this instance, as in
so many others, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Debbie

of Chicago, Illinois explains, "After my daughter was born a nurse in the
hospital suggested that I dab on some A&D Ointment each time I changed her

The ointment soothed any slight irritation and prevented diaper rash from


Breastfeeding and Solid Foods


Like sighted mothers, blind mothers who breastfeed position the baby by
touch and judge by her behavior whether she has had enough. Blind parents
can make

up formula by using measuring cups of the necessary sizes. A funnel is
helpful for pouring the formula into the bottle. Latonya Phipps of
Baltimore, Maryland,

recalls, "I would use my carefully washed hands to guide the nipple of the
bottle into my daughter's mouth. I'd check with my fingers now and then to

sure she had a good hold on it."


When introducing solid food, the blind parent usually guides the spoon with
one hand and locates the baby's mouth with the other. Babies as young as

or eight months sometimes lean toward the oncoming spoonful of peaches or
sweet potatoes or even reach for the spoon to bring it closer. Babies can be

just as proactive, however, when they're not hungry or when they take
offense at the cuisine. Ample bibs for parent and child are almost a must.
Some blind

parents also find it helpful to spread newspaper or a plastic tablecloth on
the kitchen floor at mealtimes. No matter what the precautions,

is bound to be hit or miss for a while, whether or not the parent can see.
Sponges and towels work miracles; they are a boon to parents everywhere.




Navigating with the help of long white canes.

For blind parents, transportation is a major issue, and it begins presenting
challenges as soon as the baby arrives. At home and in other familiar places

we can carry the baby in our arms or sling her onto a hip as most sighted
parents do. In other environments, however, we rarely have both hands free.

always need one hand to hold a dog-guide harness or a long white cane. The
remaining hand has to open doors, examine merchandise, pull out a credit

or ID, and carry packages. How to carry a baby as well sounds like a crisis
in logistics, but the strap-on baby carrier provides a ready solution. Baby

carriers and slings enable the parent, blind or sighted, to carry an infant
safely and comfortably while leaving the hands free for other chores. Many

blind parents gather information about these devices through local
baby-wearing groups, where they have the opportunity to get hands-on
exposure to a variety

of carriers on the market. These groups are resources for all parents, blind
and sighted.


Our alternative techniques come into play when we turn to baby strollers.
The conventional method, pushing the stroller along the sidewalk, simply

work for us. A cane or dog guide can't warn us of steps and obstacles as far
ahead as the stroller's front wheels. Fortunately, a few strollers on the

market are designed with a reversible handle, and can be pulled as well as
pushed. Some strollers with the standard handle also work well when pulled.

Blind parents can try out various models in order to find one they can pull
easily, and perhaps one that folds easily so it can be carried onto a bus,

train, or other type of public transportation. The cane or dog guide works
fine when we take the baby out for fresh air, pulling his stroller behind


Riding in Cars


Of course young children need to ride in a car seat for safety. If we are
riding with a friend or sighted spouse, this is very easy. The car seat can

in the car, and the baby can be transferred to a carrier or, when old
enough, placed in a cart at a store while we complete our shopping. When
taking taxis

or other types of transportation however, many blind parents find it helpful
to use a car seat that attaches to a stroller or other frame with wheels.

That way the baby can be safe, but parents will not have to carry a heavy
car seat when they reach their destination. Some parents use a light-weight

seat and carry it in a bag or backpack. At other times, parents may ask to
leave a car seat at the service counter of a store and pick it up when

is done.


Just as any parent does, we find the way that works best for us. And as all
parents do, we cheer when children graduate to booster seats, which are

and easier to carry, and then finally do not need a car seat at all!




Enjoying the merry-go-round.

Nothing is more delightful than sharing in a small child's discovery of the
world. Every new toy, each leaf and stone, every bird or butterfly is a

surprise. To a toddler, furniture seems made for climbing and bouncing.
Drawers and cupboards are meant to be opened. Every object cries out to be

prodded, tasted and, given the time and opportunity, taken apart. The
possibilities are truly wondrous.


Toddler Safety


>From a parent's point of view, however, the possibilities include poisons,
precipices, and a host of other perils. A thousand worst-case scenarios lie

in wait. Blind or sighted, the parent of an inquisitive small child must
constantly be vigilant.


How, you may ask, can the words "blind" and "vigilant" go together in the
same sentence? The very idea of a blind person in charge of a toddler's

may make your heart plummet. Here again, good organizational skills,
alternative techniques, and common sense enable blind parents to watch over

children, even through that exhilarating, exhausting, into-everything phase.


Jingling Bells


As soon as a baby begins to crawl, most blind parents attach small bells to
her shoes or clothing. The merry jingling of little bells lets us know where

the child is as she runs and plays. "Just before my daughter was able to
walk, I started figuring out how to place bells on her shoes," says Jeff

a blind dad from Lincoln, Nebraska. "The final design consisted of two of
the mid-sized jingle bells on a small key ring. With a key ring at the

of the laces of each shoe, she could not get the bells off. Whenever I
didn't hear the bells, I knew she was into something." Some parents put
bells on

plastic fish line and thread it through the eyelets on the shoes along with
the laces. Others prefer to pin bells to sleeves or pants cuffs. Squeaky

popular with toddlers and preschoolers, also give excellent sound cues.


A sighted parent can be vigilant from a distance. For blind parents, keeping
tabs on a small child is up close and personal. In many situations we may

be much more "hands on" than parents who can see. We physically follow or
stay with the child. When visiting a friend's home or yard, we explore and

questions to learn about possible hazards. "I had to feel very comfortable
with the layout of the area before letting my little ones loose," explains

Jones of Vancouver, Washington. "Even then, I kept my ears alert. Blind
parents can't afford to sit on their backsides and 'watch' their kids." Most

us find that this contact is a major plus for us and our children. We spend
lots of time together, playing, talking, laughing, and enjoying one






A father and his son have fun on the slide 

Most parents, including those who are blind, try to avoid accidents by
childproofing their homes. Outlet covers, cupboard locks, and stair gates
are a

tremendous help and comfort. Sometimes extra creativity is needed to solve a
particular safety problem. Jeff Altman explains, "In our living room we have

a stairway to the basement with an open spindle railing. We could not find a
gate that would securely block the top of the stairway, and there was the

problem of the open spindles, so I made a gate and a barrier for the railing
out of foam core-board from the local hobby store. I used Velcro to hold the

pieces in place, and it worked great."


Being well organized is a help to all parents, and certainly to blind
parents. If we're careful about shutting gates, locking up household
cleansers, and

keeping small, indigestible objects off the carpet, we go a long way toward
creating a safe environment.


Out and About


Once the child outgrows the stroller and backpack, we work out new ways for
traveling together. On the street or in the shopping mall most of us

physical contact with a small child at all times. A simple hand-holding
device, consisting of a light wrist strap, can help keep the child within



If a child is taught from the beginning to hold a parent's hand, the habit
can last for years. "I made a rule that any adult, blind or sighted, had to

hold my kids by the hand when they went out somewhere," says Deborah
Kendrick of Cincinnati, Ohio, the blind mother of three. "I didn't want my
kids to

get used to running wild when they were out with a babysitter or relative,
and then think it was boring to hold hands when they went places with me."


Taking small children to a park or playground presents some special
challenges. Since we can't observe our toddlers from a distance, we stay
close by to

monitor their activities. Often we climb on playground equipment with our
toddlers and preschoolers. In this way we know what they are doing and can

them safe. In addition, we can teach them climbing and other skills.


Location Communication


An outing to the park is fun for the Riccobonos.

When children are old enough to venture farther afield, we establish rules
that help us know where they are at all times. Sarah Merrick of Michigan

how she handles outings with her four-year-old twins. "I waited until my
children were old enough to respond when I called them," she says. "I'm

to choose parks that are safe I only go to parks that are fenced. I try to
arrange trips with friends who have older children. You can hear all the

and shouting, and it's easy to identify your child that way. I also
institute the rule that they respond or come when I call them. If they
don't, we go

home for the day."


Jim Jackson walks with his son along the side of the pool. 

Melissa Riccobono of Baltimore, Maryland, says her kids don't have to stop
their play when she calls them, but they must answer so they can converse.

and her husband, who also is blind, have a rule that the kids must tell them
when they switch locations, as when they move from the swings to the rock

wall across the playground. "If they don't follow the rules, we go home,"
she says. "End of fun trip." These methods work well at zoos, museums, or

other public places.


Melissa Riccobono recalls an incident that occurred when she and her husband
took their five-year-old son, Austin, to the beach at Ocean City, Maryland.

"There was a big wooden castle that Austin wanted to climb on," she
explains. "He was getting old enough that we didn't want to be the parents
who hover

needlessly. We told Austin he could go and climb if he came back to us when
we called him or answered us if he was close enough to answer. After about

ten minutes, fireworks were about to start, so I went close to the structure
and called Austin's name loudly. A lady asked me who I was looking for, and

I said I was calling my son, who was five. 'Oh,' she said, 'I don't see any
five-year-old who seems to hear you.' Just then along came Austin, right to

me. The lady was extremely surprised, and I was a very proud mom."


Water Safety


Like sighted parents, blind parents are extra careful around water.
Naturally, we follow the array of precautions that sighted parents take
making sure

that lifeguards are present, having kids wear appropriate life jackets, and
drumming in rules about staying at the shallow end until you can really

Again, close contact is the bottom line. We tend to play a lot of games with
our kids when we go to the lake or the pool. We keep our children within

until we know they are good swimmers. Even then we are careful to maintain
voice contact.




A mother checks her child's temperature using a talking thermometer.

Even with the best safety measures, all kids have accidents now and then,
and occasional childhood illnesses are inevitable. As blind parents, we

to recognize signs and symptoms, bandage cuts, and administer medicine. Most
rashes are discernible by touch. With our fingers we can detect heat,

or swelling of the skin in affected areas. "Our pediatrician explained to me
how eczema would 'feel', so I would know what to watch for. Sure enough, his

description was accurate enough for me to identify it and administer the
prescription lotion in the right place."


Strategies for Giving Medication


With the help of an inexpensive talking thermometer, a blind parent can take
a child's temperature independently. The plastic cups that come with many

bottles of medicine have raised markings on the inside, and these are a
great help when we have to measure doses. Also, a syringe can be marked for

proper dose by scratching a tactile line on the plunger with a knife,
scissors, or key. To give medicine we fill the syringe completely, and then

the plunger down until we feel the notch. In this way we know we have the
right amount of medicine. In some cases we may arrange for a sighted person

fill several medicine droppers to the desired dose. These can be stored and
used as needed.


Dealing with Injuries


Bottles of medicine can easily be labeled in Braille. Instructions can be
copied in Braille or recorded on a phone or other device. A number of

offer talking prescription labels on containers of medication. The system
gives a blind user access to all of the printed information that appears on



Like all parents, a blind parent knows his child better than anyone else
does. We quickly learn to distinguish an ordinary demanding or uncomfortable

from the cry that means real injury. By touch we can examine the child for
cuts and scrapes and apply the needed ointments or bandages. However,

sometimes don't want to be touched in the region that hurts. "One thing that
helps is to give a child who is old enough a cold compress and have him

it on the affected area," one blind mom suggests. "It numbs the area a
little, and you can remove it in a minute and examine the injury." We can

make a rapid assessment about the seriousness of the problem and determine
when it's time to get a doctor's help.



Reading Together


Print/Braille books make it possible for blind parents and children to read

Sharing storybooks is one of the great delights of parenting. Blind parents
can enjoy reading with our children by using print/Braille books, which have

Braille on clear plastic pages inserted between the pages of print. The
blind parent can read aloud from the Braille page while the sighted child

the printed words and looks at the pictures. Many print/Braille books
include picture descriptions to help us talk about the pictures with our

Commercially available recorded books, often accompanied by a printed book
for the child to read, are another satisfying way for blind parents and

to enjoy stories together.


By the time they start school, most children have learned their colors,
letters, and numbers. The more parents can help at home, the better. Many

available toys have raised letters and numbers, making it easy for blind
parents to use them. These toys include wooden and plastic blocks and sets

magnetized letters and numbers. Many electronic games speak the letters and
numbers aloud, permitting us to play with our sighted children and help them



Art Skills


Ronit Mazzoni and her children play with Playdough.

For blind parents, teaching colors calls for thought and attention. We make
it our business to find out what color our children's clothes are. We may

them with Braille labels so we can refer to "your red shirt" or "your green
socks." Crayons and paints can also be labeled. Judy Jones was especially

"I got scraps of cloth of all the popular colors from a fabric store,
labeled each with Braille on clear laminate, and sewed them together on the

to create a color book we could take anywhere. I chose fabric, because there
are so many different textures, plus it would be washable and would crunch

up in my purse or diaper bag. Any time we had moments to kill while waiting
for a bus, waiting for church to start, etc., I'd pull out the color book."




Misty Bradley and her daughter share a proud moment at school. 

Life with school-age kids presents a fresh set of challenges, some of which
are unique for blind parents. Many parents, both blind and sighted, dread

almost as much as our children do. Not only do we have to search our memory
banks for the long division we haven't used in decades, but as blind parents

we must get access to the reams of printed worksheets stuffed into our kids'
backpacks. Life gets easier once our kids master reading and can explain

it says on all those crumpled pages, but during kindergarten and first grade
we need to find other resources. Sometimes the school can arrange for an

student to help with homework during or after school; a lot of kids in the
upper grades are required to perform a community service, and providing this

assistance may fill the assignment. The parents of classmates can be another
resource; they may be willing to share information about worksheets or other

written material.


Teacher Communication


Email is a tremendous help. Teachers use email to share notes and class
assignments, which we can read using a speech output program on the computer

a device that gives output in Braille. Scanning devices or apps such as the
KNFB Reader can be very helpful. Using the built-in camera on a cell phone,

these devices read aloud the words on a printed page.


Developing a good working relationship with teachers and school personnel is
crucial. Sharon Howerton of Chicago, Illinois, remembers, "Every year I sent

a note to my sons' teachers explaining that I am blind and cannot read
handwriting, so please call if there were any problems. I also religiously

Back to School Night and parent conferences."




By volunteering in our children's school or classroom, we can become a
valued member of the school community. One year Judy Jones ran the school

"The school's volunteer coordinator showed me how to run the simple cash
register and marked a couple of the buttons for me with clear tape for

points. School store was twenty minutes before school started, three days a
week in the back of the lunch room." "I've done a lot of volunteering in my

son's classrooms," says Jennifer Wenzel, a blind mom from Minnesota. "Last
year I went in every week and listened to kids read. I really think teachers

want to do as much as they can for kids, and caring, dedicated parents make
it easier for them. Roland's teacher would send me thank-you notes for

or going on a field trip, and I sent her notes thanking her for being such a
great teacher."


Sometimes a classroom visit to talk about Braille and other blindness skills
can help break the ice. Debbie Stein recalls, "When my daughter was in first

grade she told me her classmates were constantly asking her questions about
how I did things. She asked me to talk about blindness to her class. I found

that the teacher was just as interested as the kids were and really wanted
me to write her name for her in Braille."





Jo Pinto helps her daughter get dressed. 

As blind people we learn early in life that it's important to wear clothes
that match and adhere reasonably well to current fashion. When dealing with

our children's clothing we use the same methods that help us build and
maintain our own wardrobes. We may shop with a friend or relative, or we may

enough confidence in our personal taste and fashion sense that we brave the
racks alone. Usually we develop a system for keeping track of which top goes

well with which pair of pants or which shirts are interchangeable in forming
a three-piece outfit. We may arrange the closet so that complete outfits

together. If we have the time and energy, we may sew small aluminum "color
tags" into our child's clothing. A device called a color identifier is also

handy; when presented with any object, including a piece of clothing, it
speaks the name of the appropriate color aloud in a computerized voice.




It's never too early to learn to do laundry. 

Stains can be a bit of a challenge. Naturally, when we know that something
has spilled on our child's clothing, we deal with it as quickly as we can.

stains are easy to detect because they make the fabric feel stiff or sticky.
Some, however, are invisible to the touch. If we don't know that something

has spilled or smudged, we need to get information from a sighted person.
One blind dad says, "I've sort of trained my girls (ages four and five and a

half) to tell me when they spill something, no matter whether it's on their
clothing or on the floor, furniture, or whatever. They know that

do not come from me when they spill something. With clothing I have them
change shirts if it's bad enough, say, from a catsup spill, and then

spray on Shout or whatever. Letting the garment soak in a stain remover is
not a bad idea." Some blind parents routinely wash in cold water and add a

of Oxi Clean or some other stain fighter, just to be on the safe side. The
stain fighter will help deal with any spots we might otherwise have missed.




Jo and Sarah playing together.

One of the best parts of family life is having fun together. Playing games,
reading aloud, sharing hobbies, and going on family vacations all build

memories to last a lifetime. Blind parents love having a good time as much
as anyone else does. When our kids are small we push them on the swings or

with them down the water slide. We take them on the rides at the theme park
and build sand castles on the beach. A bell hung in a back-yard basketball

hoop lets a blind dad or mom shoot baskets with the kids. Print/Braille
versions of board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly are available for

so that blind and sighted family members can play together. Other games,
such as Candyland, can easily be adapted by adding Braille markers on clear



Learning to Ride a Bike


Sometimes teaching a child a skill without sight can be a challenge. One
blind dad explained that he worried about how he would teach his son to ride

bicycle. Like most children, his son started out using a bike with training
wheels. "I walked alongside and gave him a lot of encouragement," the dad

"When the training wheels finally came off I did the same thing, lightly
resting my hand on the bike to help him balance. I could tell by feel how he

doing, and pretty soon he was on his own."


Out for Adventures


Ronit Mazzoni and her children explore the replica of a plane.

When both parents are blind, driving is not an option. If the family lives
in a city or urban area, public transportation provides access to museums,

parks, sports arenas, and other places for family outings. Blind parents who
don't have access to trains or buses may use taxis or hire drivers.

from church groups or community organizations such as Lions Clubs may be
able to help. Some blind parents find creative solutions. For example, we

barter for rides in exchange for babysitting, cooking a special meal, or
providing homework help. "It's a win/win," one blind mother explained. "We

a ride to the county fair, and we also get to offer something of value to
another family. It's great for forming connections."




Okay, you may be thinking, blind parents can handle the logistics of taking
care of children. But some issues are more complex than changing diapers or

teaching the alphabet. All kids want to fit in with their peers. Do the
children of blind parents feel left out because their parents can't drive?

do the children of blind parents cope when people stare on the street?
Especially as they reach their teens, don't they feel embarrassed because

parents are visibly different?


Peer Pressure


Tracy Boyd and her son enjoy a furry friend. 

"I never feel left out," says nine-year-old Gabriella Smith of New Mexico.
"My mom and I do all kinds of fun things together. We walk almost

and my mom likes to kick the soccer ball during practice." "I wish a second
driver was available in our family," says twelve-year-old Julia Chang of

Illinois. "I've just learned to walk, bike, or take public transportation
everywhere." "Not one person can truthfully say their parents never

them," admits Joanne Gabias, a college student from Kellowna, British
Columbia. "However, the fact that my parents are blind is not one of the

for me. It is annoying when people stare at us, but you learn to stare right
back at them. They are insecure because they can't imagine being blind. My

parents have done so many incredible things in their lifetimes. I am so
proud of my parents. I love being able to say I am their daughter."


People often assume that our children are given a lot of extra
responsibilities or that they're expected to grow up fast and help take care
of us. Under

those circumstances, being the child of blind parents would surely be a
burden. "It's only a burden if we start depending on our kids to do more
than their

fair share," says Deborah Kendrick. "If you treat your kids like servants
and expect them to wait on you hand and foot, then sure, they'll resent it.

never wanted mine to feel like 'seeing eye kids.' If we went somewhere I
made sure I knew how to get there so I didn't have to count on the kids to

signs and look for landmarks."


Let Kids be Kids


Joanne Gabias sums up her feelings about growing up with blind parents.
"Contrary to popular belief, I do not act as a caregiver for my mom and dad.

has responsibilities to their families. I may have some different ones, but
no more than anyone else my age. My brothers and I all have to do chores

the house, like any other well-raised children. Since I can drive now, I
provide rides and run errands when I am available in exchange for the use of

car. I would never say my family was a burden to me. Family is the most
important thing in my life. Having blind parents does not weigh me down at

On the contrary, blindness opens my eyes every day to a new way of viewing
the world."




A portrait of the Sprecher family of Chicago.

Some blind women and men decide to become adoptive parents for the same
reasons that lead fully sighted persons to make this choice. If you are a

worker or family law attorney with little experience with blind parents, you
may be troubled by the thought of placing a child in such a home. Yet

should not be a determining factor when you consider prospective adoptive


"When my wife and I went through the adoption process," says Steve Jacobson
of Edina, Minnesota, "I wondered how closely our true parenting abilities

being evaluated." While it makes sense to learn whether an applicant has the
basic skills of blindness, it may be tempting to let blindness-related

take center stage. In the worst-case scenario, focusing solely on blindness
could allow other problems to slip by unnoticed. More likely is the tendency

for concerns about blindness to overshadow the strengths of a very good
potential parent. Blindness is only one aspect of who we are, and in general

is not a defining one. Many blind parents have successfully adopted and
raised children. Those of us who have adopted children are generally happy
to share

our experiences in order to help others who wish to adopt.


Home Study


The adoption process usually begins with an extensive home study. The home
study gives the social worker a chance to gather some important information

by observing firsthand how the blind applicant handles daily household
chores. For us as prospective parents it is an opportunity to encourage

that might remain sources of doubt if they go unasked. However, the home
study should encompass a host of issues beyond blindness. Steve Jacobson

"I almost felt that if I could prove my capabilities as a blind person, my
other characteristics were irrelevant."


The Adoption Process


Generally, the adoption process involves a lot of forms and a good deal of
writing. As blind persons living in a print-reading world, we are used to

with forms and responding to requests for information. Most of us use
computers. It is very helpful when we can get necessary forms in an
electronic format.

Also, if it doesn't inconvenience the agency, permitting us to answer
questions on a separate sheet can be a help. We appreciate your efforts to
work out

such details, but concern over logistics should not become a distraction
from the larger issues. We are eager to co-operate; we know that our best

to display our parenting abilities is to provide the requested information.


Travel for Adoption


It is often necessary for prospective parents to do some traveling in order
to complete an adoption. This is particularly true in the case of

adoptions. Blind people travel regularly, and requiring us to do so is
perfectly reasonable. When it is not an absolute requirement, some of us may

not to travel for financial or scheduling reasons, but blindness should not
be an obstacle. In some instances, we may opt to bring an additional person

with us, particularly when traveling to another country. Such a person may
assist us with reading tasks and paperwork requirements. Each of us makes

decisions depending upon our circumstances. In short, some of us may request
a few minor modifications to the adoption process. However, it is our

to conform to the existing procedures as fully as any other applicant does.


What kinds of children should be adopted by blind parents? For a number of
reasons, many of us have adopted blind children. Familiar as we are with

we may be less likely than some other parents to think of it as a major
problem. However, you should not assume that we cannot raise a sighted child

that we should be matched only with a child who is blind. Most biological
children of blind parents have normal vision. The fact that we are blind

not automatically ensure that we are the best parents for a blind child.
Some people, blind and sighted, have a natural desire and ability to parent

with special needs. Some, blind and sighted, simply do not. The needs of the
child and the applicant family's particular strengths and weaknesses should

be weighed carefully as you make a placement decision. If social workers and
blind applicants approach the process with common sense and open minds, a

positive outcome can be achieved. The bottom line is to find loving homes
for children who need them.




Gary Wunder of Columbia, Missouri, is the father of a grown daughter. A
young blind man, looking forward to fatherhood in a few months, asked him
for his

advice. Gary's thoughtful response contains wisdom for all blind parents and
for the people who seek to understand and learn from us.


"My advice is first to enjoy your children at every stage. They'll pass from
one stage to the next, and, as much as you'll love watching them grow,

still miss the child of a month ago. My daughter Missy is twenty-five and
working in a highly responsible job after getting her college degree. I love

this Missy, and at the same time I miss the Missy who sat with me in the
rocking chair, the one who rode in front of me in a baby carrier as I walked

to sleep, the child who listened to me as if I were an oracle when I was
saying something important to her. I miss the kid who, learning to think on

own, realized I wasn't all-wise and didn't know nearly as much as she once
thought I did; and I miss the child who later, as the pendulum swung, again

came to realize I knew a bit more than she thought I knew, and flattered me
by once again coming for advice. I miss the day we went to buy her a car and

she thought I was the smartest bargainer in the world; and then the drive in
which she asked me, 'How am I doing, Dad?' and I said, 'I can't really

you on this one,' and she said, 'Yeah, I know, but it feels like you can.'


Ronit Mazzoni takes her children to a street fair. 

So where does blindness come in? Maybe in that your child gives you an
opportunity to live what you say and will quickly tell you when there is a

Your new child won't assume you can't and that he can. Don't let your child
use her vision so much for you that she becomes Daddy's indispensable little

helper, but don't shy away from assigning chores for which your child will
use vision. Do everything you can to provide a stable, loving home where

child looks to you for what he needs. Don't be surprised when, soon after he
starts school, he comes home with the idea that he has to help you across

the street and warn you of steps. He may start telling you things you can't
do, even as you are doing them. I'm not certain what the school experience

is, but something out there pushes our children to believe we need them, not
lovingly in the way that is natural and appropriate, but physically in ways

we do not. It's up to us to remind them, gently and lovingly, who we are and
what role we play in the family.


Give yourself a break when things don't go the way you want them to go.
There is a difference between a perfect family and a wonderful family.


Have fun shaping a soul, and have even more fun when you realize how much
shape that soul will find on her own. If ever there was an argument to

me that the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts, the development
of a child does it. Enjoy your new arrival!"


In Closing


Thank you for taking the time to read our perspective and insights on blind
parents and blind parenting. Our goal is to help everyone understand what it

means to be a blind parent and how we accomplish all aspects of parenting,
big and small. Please contact us with any questions you may have as we are

to help.


National Federation of the Blind

200 E. Wells St. at Jernigan Place

Baltimore, MD 21230

(410) 659-9314



The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work

together to help blind people live the lives they want.


As the original and largest organization of blind people in the United
States, with over seventy-five years of experience and expertise, the NFB is

to speak with authority and legitimacy about what it means to be blind. We
strive to transform blindness from a source of mystery and dread to a mere

nuisance that can be handled easily with the proper training, techniques,
and tools.


By connecting blind parents and supporters with resources in Braille
education, mobility training, new technology, and more, the National
Federation of

the Blind helps make independent living a reality for thousands of blind
men, women, and children. We show the blind and the sighted alike that

need not be a barrier to living the productive, successful life anyone


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For questions, contact,

Suzanne Turner, Chair

Ohio Membership Committee

(216) 990-6199


Richard Payne, Ohio Affiliate President

(937) 829-3368

RCHPAY7 at gmail.com <mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com> 



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