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I want to let everyone know on the list that my artwork is now up at Bloom Bakery 1938 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio by the CSU Campus!! I have to thank JoAnn Depolo who referred me to them and Kristina Clark who is the person in charge. This display is an ongoing thing a place where I can sell my artwork! Matter of fact, Krista has told me if I Know any other local artists to send them her way that have a lot of wall space! Here is a link to my Facebook to check out this news and image! <div><br></div><div><a href="https://www.facebook.com/1176772000/posts/10217807117107750?sfns=mo">https://www.facebook.com/1176772000/posts/10217807117107750?sfns=mo</a></div><div><br></div><div>Owen <br><br><br><a href="https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS">Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone</a><br></div>