[NFBp-Berks] Greater Berks Chapter minutes, April 2022

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Fri May 13 02:13:09 UTC 2022

National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania

Greater Berks Chapter Meeting

Date: Friday, April 8, 2022

Location: Zoom Conference Call


1. Roll Call: 6 members and guests in attendance


Rosemary Freedman, President

John Kaufmann, Vice President

Linda Mackey, Secretary

Brian Mackey, Treasurer

Board Member:

Judy Vaskorlis


Mike Babb


2. President Rosemary Freedman called the meeting to order at 10:06 am.


3. Secretary's Report: Linda Mackey

Linda Mackey read the March 2022 minutes. Rosemary Freedman pointed out that
the budgeted amount for state convention is to pay half of the room cost for
three rooms for three nights, not four nights. Linda also noticed that the
date listed for the April meeting was listed as April 9 instead of April 8.
Brian Mackey motioned to approve the March 2022 minutes as presented with
corrections, seconded by John Kaufman, and unanimously approved.


4. Treasurer's Report: Brian Mackey

Brian Mackey provided the following treasury figures:


Beginning Balance as of March 1:                         $5,093.26


Income:                                                       $0.00



PAC Plan:                                                   $10.00

Total Expenses:                                                    $10.00


Ending Balance as of March 31:


Line Items:

Personal Financial Assistance:                               $1,000.00

Transportation Assistance Fund:

Total Line Items:                                         $2,500.00


Working Balance:                                       $2,583.26


Linda Mackey motioned to accept the treasury report as presented, seconded
by Mike Babb, and unanimously approved.


5. Old/New Business: All

a. 2022 budget:

Mike Babb inquired if we had $100 set aside in the budget to donate to the
affiliate as our state convention banquet donation. Rosemary Freedman stated
that we currently do not. Mike Babb motioned to add state convention banquet
donation of $100 to the budget, seconded by John Kaufman, and unanimously


b. Outreach Opportunity:

Mike inquired about holding an outreach event at Mi Casa Su Casa to meet
potential new members and see what items the chapter can assist them in
obtaining (cane, magnifier, etc.). Mike's goal is to double the size of the
chapter's membership by the end of 2022. Linda Mackey likes the idea of
trying to obtain more members to join, but we need to work on getting more
of the membership to attend our monthly meetings. Judy Vaskorlis informed
all that the chapter will be featured on BCTV on Monday, November 7 and the
show will run for one month. Judy will obtain more information by October.
We will contact Mi Casa Su Casa to see when we can hold the outreach event
and go from there.


c. Upcoming Fundraisers:

Mike Babb requested to have authorization for him to work with the Fleetwood
Lions Club to hold a horse race fundraiser. The funds from the fundraiser
would be shared equally between the chapter and the Fleetwood Lions Club.
Mike briefly described how the fundraiser would work. Mike predicts with the
planning and advertising for this type of event that the earliest we can
hold it would be about September. Linda Mackey stated that for it to work,
it will take a lot of planning and promoting. Mike has a couple of places in
mind to hold it, you need a place big enough to hold 100 to 200 people.
Linda Mackey motioned to hold a horse racing fundraiser with the Fleetwood
Lions Club, seconded by John Kaufman, and unanimously approved.


Rosemary Freedman informed all that Mark Millisock and Barb Chrisman are
working on next year's Music Fest. They are looking at holding it on
February 3 or February 10. Once details are finalized, everyone will be
informed so that we can start promoting it.


6. Brian Mackey motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Linda Mackey,
and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned by President Rosemary
Freedman at 10:46 AM. Our next meeting will take place on March 13, 2022 via
the affiliate's Zoom room (meeting ID 215 988 0888).


Respectfully submitted by Linda Mackey, Secretary

Reviewed by Rosemary Freedman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania Greater Berks Chapter


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