[NFBp-Berks] Greater Berks Chapter meeting, June 10 at 10 AM

mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net
Thu Jun 9 22:04:49 UTC 2022

Rosemary,  I regret that I will yet again miss the meeting tomorrow due to
business obligations.  I appreciate those who have already gotten Duck Race
tickets to me!  Even though we ask for the tickets and money to be returned
this next week, people can still buy the tickets as long as we get things in
the week before the 4th.  (They actually can buy them on the 4th in
Pottstown until 30 minutes before the race.)  R/ Mike


Mike McCarthy


 <mailto:mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net> mccarthy_misty03 at comcast.net


From: NFBP-Berks <nfbp-berks-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Brian Mackey
via NFBP-Berks
Sent: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 11:29 AM
To: nfbp-berks at nfbnet.org
Subject: [NFBp-Berks] Greater Berks Chapter meeting, June 10 at 10 AM


Greetings to all,


We will be having our Greater Berks Chapter meeting on Friday, June 10, at


Here are the various ways to attend the meeting:

1.	From within the free Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your iPhone or
Android, just hit the "Join" button on the "Meet and Chat" tab and then
enter our meeting ID: 215 988 0888.
2.	Click the following link, which will open the meeting using the app
or your web browser:
 <https://zoom.us/my/nfbpennsylvania> https://zoom.us/my/nfbpennsylvania
3.	On a mobile phone, click either of the following "One Tap" links,
based on which one is nearest to your location:
+13017158592,,2159880888# (Germantown)
+16468769923,,2159880888#(New York)
4.	Using a standard telephone, dial 646-876-9923, and then enter our
meeting ID when prompted: 215 988 0888.


See you on June 10 at 10am.



Brian A. Mackey

Brian A. Mackey
Administrative Assistant, Doubletree Reading Hotel
Owner, Mackey Enterprises, LLC
Treasurer & Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey, Delaware,
Massachusetts, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, South Dakota, West Virginia,
Connecticut, & Arkansas, 
DeafBlind Division, Seniors Division, and National Organization of Parents
of Blind Children
Secretary & Webmaster, Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association
 <mailto:Bmackey88 at gmail.com> Bmackey88 at gmail.com

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make
those dreams come true"
      -Vince Papale


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