[NFBp-Berks] THIS SATURDAY: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families Workshop Series
Stacie Leap
stacie.leap at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 17:52:28 UTC 2022
*The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families*
*a book discussion sponsored by the Blind Parents Group with the National
Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania*
Hello all:
Please join us for our monthly meeting. We will start off our seven month
series where we dive deeper into the book, *"The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective Families: Building a Beautiful Family Culture in a Turbulent
World"* by Stephen Covey.
This month, We will be discussing the introduction and the first habit: Be
You can find the book in BARD mobile, Audible, Kindle, and Apple books.
Whether you are a blind parent, a parent of blind children, a prospective
parent, or a supporter of any kind, we hope you can attend!
You do not have to live in Pennsylvania to join our meeting. Parenting has
no geographiccal barriers so we do not think our meetings should either!
*Date:* Saturday, June 18, 2022
*Time:* 7PM - 8:30PM ET
*Location:* Zoom Information Below
Please email questions and comments to Stacie Leap, Chair of the Blind
Parents Group with the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania at
stacie.leap at gmail.com or at 215-776-6741
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 927 9737 1396
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