[NFBp-Berks] Next Week: Parent Cafe discussion for blind parents and parents of blind children! - Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11am ET

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:00:00 UTC 2022

Hello all!

Just wanted to remind everybody of an upcoming workshop for blind parents
and parents of blind children. This could be the start of many more

Please see below!

*Through Our Scope*

*a Parent Cafe discussion workshop*

*Facilitators:* Trainers from Strengthening Families Unit within Turning
Points for Children CUA-3

*Date:* Wednesday, June 22, 2022

*Time:* 11AM ET/10AM CT/9AM MT/8AM PT

*Location:* Virtually through Zoom

*Please register at the following link:*


This is a collaboration between Turning Points for Children, National
Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania's Blind Parents Group and the
Pennsylvania Organization of Parents of Blind Children

Please join us for the first of its kind: Parents Cafe discussion geared
for blind or visually impaired parents as well as parents of blind or
visually impaired children! Come connect and learn through breakout rooms,
lectures, and resource sharing that the Parent Cafes are best known for!

                              Open to all blind or visually impaired
parents as well as parents of blind or visually impaired children!

You do not have to live in Pennsylvania to attend! Open to all geographical

For more information on Turning Points for Children's CUA-3 Unit, please
visit their website at


*For more information, please contact one of the following individuals:*

Emily Gindlesperger, President of the Pennsylvania Organization of Parents
of Blind Children at vp2 at nfbp.org

Stacie Leap, Chair of the Blind Parents Group with the National Federation
of the Blind of Pennsylvania at stacie.leap at gmail.com or 215-776-6741

Irene Silva, Strengthening Families Coordinator for Turning Points for
Children CUA-3 at isilva at turningpoints.phmc.org
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