[NFBp-Berks] Fwd: Great Opportunity to Help

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 18:29:55 UTC 2022

Hello all:

Please see below for an email from President Go from the Keystone Chapter.
If you are available and want to participate , please email her directly.


*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Harriet Go <goharriet00 at hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 16, 2022 at 11:23 PM
Subject: Great Opportunity to Help
To: Harriet Go <goharriet00 at hotmail.com>

Hi everyone,

I am excited to share with you all that the Keystone Chapter has been asked
to help with  Citadel Credit Union’s  User Testing  of their website for
Accessibility. On August 13, 2022 after our chapter meeting, a
representative from Citadel will be there to conduct the accessibility
study. This means we will need several people to stay after the meeting to
help out with the testing. The testing should take approximately one hour.

Please read below for more details about the study. Individuals are asked
to bring their laptop, phone, tablet, or other device to participate in
this study. Users of voice output and screen magnification are both
needed.  If you are interested in participating, please let me know as soon
as possible.

What a great opportunity this is to give our feedback. It is really a
positive thing when companies want to hear directly from us and consider
the usability of those who are blind/visually impaired!

Please email me directly at goharriet00 at hotmail.com or call 610-931-9013 if
you have more questions or to let me know you are able to help out.

Also, please feel free to share this info with other blind users who may be
interested in this.

I hope many of you can join in this opportunity!

Thank you,



*Purpose of Study: *

The purpose for the research study is to learn more about the possible
issues that exist in our interface from a User Experience (UX). We would
like to make it as user friendly as possible and ensure that we are meeting
the expectations of the broader audience.

The user experience research study of our website with individuals that
face absence of vision or challenges with their vision will provide us with
the insight we will need when considering necessary changes to our website

*Requirements of Study: *

*The requirements of the study are as follows; *

   - Must have technology assisted device(s) to read from mobile, desktop
   or tablet.
   - Voice automated technologies or screen magnification are both
   - Participants cannot be considered sighted.
   - Participants are not, near sighted or far sighted.

*More About The Study *

   - A good mix of different assisted technologies and mobile/desktop
   technologies would be preferred.
   - Most common technologies are preferred.
   - Screen magnifiers are acceptable for testing.
   - Different voice automated screen reader technologies are one of the
   most important technologies to test. If there are multiple individuals who
   were testing with this technology, that would be great.

We are planning to shoot video and photos so we will have a release for
participants to sign.

When you have a moment, please let me know what you think. Thank you
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