[NFBp-Berks] Congratulations to Denice Brown for CSD award and NABL!

Stacie Leap stacie.leap at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 14:26:25 UTC 2022

Hello everybody!

I am writing this email to tell you all of some more great news about our
NFB of PA's members!

Denice Brown, who is the President of the Greater Philadelphia chapter and
serves as one of the Board Directors for the National Federation of the
Blind of Pennsylvania, is fulfilling another amazing role!

Denice Brown was elected to the seat of Treasurer for the newly formed NFB
division: National Association of Black Leaders!!!!!!
Congratulations Denice!!!! You do so much for the Federation and deserve
all of it!!!

But wait! Denice keeps rolling!

At our 2022 National Convention, the Community Service Division honored her
with an award. She was given the "Serving Beyond the Six Dots Award for
Service, Commitment, and Leadership"

She definitely deserves this award as she has helped so many people and
serves within her community with a willingness spirit that goes above and

Congratulations once again Denice Brown!!!!!!!

If you wish to contact Denice directly, her email is dbrown8827 at aol.com


*Stacie Leap*
stacie.leap at gmail.com | 215.776.6741
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