[NFBp-Berks] And the winner of this amazing door prize is...

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 00:03:41 UTC 2022

Everyone loves to win a door prize, and they make our state convention even
more fun and exciting. They are especially enticing for first-time
attendees. An NFB convention just wouldn't be the same without door prizes.
Well, it's time to gather those Door Prizes!!!
Every year before our NFB of PA convention, all of our members, chapters,
and divisions around the Commonwealth need to start collecting door prizes
to bring to the convention. We are asking that everyone please provide as
many gift cards or other prizes as possible for our 2022 state convention.
We prefer that gift cards and other items be of at least $25 in value, and
please ensure that gift cards are from nationwide businesses or chains,
since we hope to have out of state visitors at our convention. 
Either you can purchase the gift cards yourself or solicit businesses in
your area to donate the door prizes. The NFB of PA has a Merchant letter
that you can use when approaching businesses, restaurants, etc. - that
merchant letter is attached to this email. If a door prize donor is
contributing a significant amount and requires a copy of our PA Bureau of
Charitable Organizations certificate, it can be provided upon request.
Please bring your collected door prizes with you to the convention in
Pittsburgh, or give your door prizes to your chapter or division president
to deliver them if you are unable to attend the convention in person. 
The NFB of Pennsylvania greatly appreciates your door prizes and all that
you do to help those who are blind and visually impaired in Pennsylvania and
If you have questions, please contact Joseph Drenth or anyone on the
Convention Door Prize Team for assistance.
Thank you, 
Your Convention Door Prize Team
Joseph Drenth, Chair
Lynn Heitz, NFB of PA President
Lily Asadullina
Marsha Drenth
Harriet Go
Stacie Leap
Linda Mackey
Becca Weber
Thank you,
Joseph Drenth
1st Vice President, NFB of Pennsylvania
Chair, Convention Planning Committee 
Text/Voice: 215-827-7787
Email: joe.drenth at gmail.com <mailto:joe.drenth at gmail.com> 
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