[NFBp-Berks] Agenda for the 2022 NFB of Pennsylvania Convention

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 00:58:24 UTC 2022

Hello everyone,
Please find attached a large print Word document version of our 2022 NFB of
PA Convention Agenda. 
If you would prefer to use the online version, you can find it at the
following link:
We will also be handing out braille and large print versions of the agenda
at the convention welcome table where you pick up your preregistration
envelope containing your meal tickets.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Joseph Drenth
First Vice-President, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
Convention Chairperson, NFB of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer
E-mail: joe.drenth at gmail.com <mailto:joe.drenth at gmail.com> 
Mobile: 215-827-7787
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